The Galaxy Evolution Discussion Group talks take place once a week, currently Thursdays at 11:00 in the Beecroft Room of the Denys Wilkinson Building. They aim to foster exchange amongst local people interested in galaxy evolution, primarily but not exclusively through studies of nearby galaxies. As such, the talks should typically contain 30-40 minutes of material, but they are scheduled for an hour to allow plenty of interaction, questions, and discussion.
We are always on the look-out for new people, so if you would like to talk do not hesitate to contact us. We do have a small budget to support outside speakers.
Martin Bureau and John Magorrian
Time | Speaker | Topic |
28 April 2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Johan Knapen University of Hertfordshire |
Galaxy Interactions and Starbursts |
5 May 2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Jordi Barr University of Oxford |
The Fundamental Plane in RXJ0142.0+2131 |
12 May 2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Mark Wilkinson University of Cambridge |
Towards an Understanding of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies |
19 May 2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Alan McConnachie University of Cambridge |
Satellites and Substructure in the Local Group |
26 May 2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Filippo Fraternalli University of Oxford |
Extra-Planar Gas in Galaxies |
2 June2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Davor Krajnovic University of Oxford |
A Generalisation of Surface Photometry to the Higher Moments of the LOSVD |
9 June 2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Canceled |
Canceled |
16 June 2005 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Sadegh Khochfar University of Oxford |
What is Special About 3x10^10 Solar Masses? |
Previous terms: Hilary 2005.
Useful information: astrophysic,
other seminars,
This page was last modified on April 27 2005