When Jets and Supernova Collide

Goodall, Alouani-Bibi and Blundell, 2011

Movies: Introduction


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More to come later...

The code developed for these simulations using FLASH2.5 http://flash.uchicago.edu/website/home/ is designed in such a way that all parameters for which there is a degree of uncertainty in the exact value, are available as input variables for the code. Examples of the parameters which can be varied include...
For the background: Galaxy scale height, ambient density, ambient temperature, etc
For the Supernova: SN_ejecta_mass, SN_ejecta_temperature, SNR_age, etc
For the Jets: Jet_mdot, Jet_temperature, Jet_starttime, etc

It would be tricky (and computationally imptactical) to compare a range of values for each input parameter, for every permutation of this combination of variables. Hence, the Jet1 simulation will be known as the 'control group', forming the basis for comparison with the other jet simulations, by changing one (or maximum of two) parameters at a time, and I will comment on the differences that arise.

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