Only papers including long tables are listed below. The full list of ATLAS3D publications is here. If you use any of the data below you are requested to cite the paper in the section where the link to the data is given. Paper I: A volume-limited sample of 260 nearby early-type galaxies: science goals and selection criteriaCappellari et al. (2011a, MNRAS, 413, 813)Tables content: Galaxy, RA, DEC, SBF, NED-D, Virgo, Vhel, Dist, MK, AB, T-type, Re
Figure 5+6: Single-page high-resolution image of the 260 E and S0 galaxies of the ATLAS3D sample, sorted by name 2-dim Stellar Kinematics content: Xbin, Ybin, V(Gauss), σ(Gauss), V(GH), σ(GH), h3, h4, errors
The above ZIP file contains two directories. The kinematics for all the 260 galaxies in both directories was homogeneously extracted as described in Cappellari et al. (2011a), which we request you to cite. However the kinematics for the subset of 47 galaxies in a separate directory was already presented in Emsellem et al. (2004). Please also refer to the latter paper when using any of the galaxies in the subset. Maps of the mean velocity and second velocity moment of all galaxies are presented in Paper II and Paper XV respectively (see below). 2-dim Gas Emission Fluxes and Kinematics
The FITS table contains: the coordinates of the Voronoi generators (XS,YS) in arcsec, the amplitudes (e.g. A_HB_GAS; in units of 10-17 erg/s/cm2/Å/arcsec2) and the fluxes (e.g. HB_GAS; in units of 10-17 erg/s/cm2/arcsec2) of the gas emission lines, as well as the mean velocity V (e.g. V_HB_GAS) and the velocity dispersion σ (e.g. S_HB_GAS) in km/s. To generate a map of the Voronoi binned (Cappellari & Copin 2003) quantities, one can use the example given in the section "3-dim Spectral Cubes" below. One simply needs to replace the file name 3-dim Spectral Cubes
As an illustration of the FITS format, the following Python example shows a Voronoi binned (Cappellari & Copin 2003) map of the mean stellar velocity, with overlaid the galaxy surface brightness. Note that one needs both (i) the coordinates and the spectra in the non-binned FITS data cube, and (ii) the cordinates of the Voronoi generators, which are stored with the kinematics. (The required Paper II: Morphologies, kinemetric features and alignment between photometric and kinematic axes of early-type galaxiesKrajnovic et al. (2011, MNRAS, 414, 2923) Table content: Galaxy, PAphot, ε, PAkin, ψ, k5/k1, k1max, morph, dust, KinStruct, symbols
Figure C1-C6: velocity maps of the 260 ATLAS3D galaxies oriented such that north is up and east left
Paper III: A census of the stellar angular momentum within the effective radius of early-type galaxies: unveiling the distribution of Fast and Slow RotatorsEmsellem et al. (2011, MNRAS, 414, 888) Table content: Galaxy, Rmax, εe, εe/2, Band, V/σe, V/σe/2, λRe, λRe/2, F/S(Re), F/S(Re/2)
Table content: Galaxy, a4
Paper IV: the molecular gas content of early-type galaxiesYoung et al. (2011, MNRAS, 414, 940) Table content: Galaxy, rms noise, intensity 12CO (1-0) and (2-1), V range, (2-1)/(1-0), H2 mass, reference
CO spectra
The above ZIP file contains two directories. Please refer to Young et al. (2011) if you use the files in the directory young2011 and to Combes et al. (2007) for the galaxies in the directory combes2007. Paper VII: A new look at the morphology of nearby galaxies: the kinematic morphology-density relationCappellari et al. (2011b, MNRAS, 416, 1680) Table content: Galaxy, ρ10, Σ10, Σ3, ν10, I10, I3
Paper XII: Recovery of the mass-to-light ratio of simulated early-type barred galaxies with axisymmetric dynamical modelsLablanche et al. (2012, MNRAS, 424, 1495) Table content: X, Y, Z, VX, VY, VZ
Paper XIII: Mass and morphology of HI in early-type galaxies as a function of environmentSerra et al. (2012, MNRAS, 422, 1835) Table content: Galaxy, noise, bmaj, bmin, M(HI), M(HI)/LK, HI class, notes, source
HI cubes and maps
The HI fully reduced WSRT cubes as well as the HI images and velocity fields can be downloaded here. Paper XV: Benchmark for early-type galaxies scaling relations from 260 dynamical models: mass-to-light ratio, dark matter, Fundamental Plane and Mass PlaneCappellari et al. (2013a, MNRAS, 432, 1709) Table content: Galaxy, σe, R(σ)/Re, σkpc, inc, (M/L)JAM, max(Vcirc), quality, Remaj, Re, r1/2, rg, conc, εe, L
Table content: Galaxy, inc, βz, κ, quality
Table content: Galaxy, Vrms_e
Paper XVII: Linking photometric and kinematic signatures of stellar discs in early-type galaxiesKrajnovic et al. (2013a, MNRAS, 432, 1768) Table content: Galaxy, μe, Re, n, μe,b, Re,b, nb, qb, μ0,d, Rd, qd, D/T
Paper XVIII: CARMA CO imaging survey of early-type galaxiesAlatalo et al. (2013, MNRAS, 432, 1796) CO cubes and maps
Paper XX: Mass-size and mass-σ distributions of early-type galaxies: bulge fraction drives kinematics, mass-to-light ratio, molecular gas fraction and stellar initial mass functionCappellari et al. (2013b, MNRAS, 432, 1862) Table content: Galaxy, σ(Re/8), fDM(r=Re), (M/Lr)stars, (M/Lr)Salp
Paper XXI: Correlations between gradients of local escape velocity and stellar populations in early-type galaxiesScott et al. (2013, MNRAS, 432, 1894) Table content: I'j, σj, q'j
Paper XXIII: Angular momentum and nuclear surface brightness profilesKrajnovic et al. (2013b, MNRAS, 433, 2812) Table content: Galaxy, Source, Class, Filter, Θ, μ, α, β, γ, γ', RMS, Rγ
Paper XXX: Star formation histories and stellar population scaling relations of early-type galaxiesMcDermid et al. (2015, MNRAS, 448, 348) Table content: Name, Hβ, Fe5015, Mgb, Fe5270, AgeSSP, [Z/H]SSP, [α/Fe]SSP, Quality
Table content: Name, Hβ, Fe5015, Mgb, Fe5270, AgeSSP, [Z/H]SSP, [α/Fe]SSP, Quality
Table content: Name, Hβ, Fe5015, Mgb, Fe5270, AgeSSP, [Z/H]SSP, [α/Fe]SSP, Quality
Table content: Name, AgeSFH, [Z/H]SFH, t50
2-dim Absorption Line Strength
Systematic trends in total-mass profiles from dynamical models of early-type galaxiesThis is not an ATLAS3D team paper, but it provides useful quantities for the full sample and is included on this page for convenience. Poci, Cappellari & McDermid (2017, MNRAS, 467, 1397)
Table content: Name, γtot,I, γtot,II, γtot,III, γstar, γstar,III, fDM,I(Re), fDM,II(Re)
2-dim Maps of (M/L)Salp
Formation channels of slowly rotating early-type galaxiesThis is not an ATLAS3D team paper, but it provides useful quantities for the full sample and is included on this page for convenience.
Table content: Galaxy, Δ[Z/H], ΔAge, Δα, HST
Table content: Galaxy, Source, Class, Filter, Rb, μ, α, β, γ, γ', RMS, Rγ
Stellar Population Profiles
Stellar Population Maps
Hubble Space Telescope Images