Astronomical Activities

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Below are descriptions of some of the astronomical activities I am or was involved in beside research. It is patchy but probably representative.

Galaxy Evolution Discussion Group Local Galaxies Workshop AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy
Harley Wood Winter School Vatican Observatory Summer School

Galaxy Evolution Discussion Group:

Together with John Magorrian ( Oxford University), I organize the so-called Galaxy Evolution Discussion Group, a weekly seminar series devoted to interactive discussions of issues mainly concerned with nearby galaxy studies (structure, dynamics, stellar populations). See the current schedule here.

Local Galaxies Workshop:

Together with Johan Knapen ( University of Hertfordshire), I am co-organisor of what we hope will become an annual event, the one-day Local Galaxies Workshop. This event brings together astronomer from Cambridge University, the University of Hertfordshire, the University of Nottingham, Oxford University, and UCL, plus a number of visitors, for a one day workshop aiming to share information, expertise, and develop collaborations around the topic of nearby galaxy studies. Both talk and poster sessions take place, but the emphasis is on exchange and human relations. This year's web page is available here.

AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy:

For a period of two years, I was an officer of the
Division on Dynamical Astronomy of the American Astronomical Society, which works for "the advancement of all aspects of dynamical astronomy, including celestial mechanics, solar system dynamics, stellar dynamics, the dynamics of the interstellar medium and galactic dynamics, and coordination of such research with other branches of science." One of the main activities is organising an annual meeting.

Harley Wood Winter School 1996:

Astronomical Society of Australia held its 1996 Harley Wood Winter School for astronomy graduate students on June 26-29 1996 in Perth, Western Australia, just before its Annual Scientific Meeting. The topic of the school was "Stars: Birth, Death, and the Galaxy". There were 10 invited lecturers from various institutes, each talking on a particular topic. Sujects ranged from molecular clouds and star formation to pulsars, interstellar medium enrichment, and stellar population evolution. Along with 5 other graduate students from Australian institutions, I was part of the scientific organising committtee that planned the school. Luckily (surprisingly?), all went well and the students left with an increased knowledge and, mostly, fond memories...

Vatican Observatory Vth Summer School:

The Vatican Observatory ( Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope) held its Vth summer school in astronomy & astrophysics from June 10 to July 8 1995 at the Specola Vaticana, its headquarters in Castel Gandolfo, Italy. The topic of the school was cosmology, with the main lecturers being Chris Impey of Steward Observatory (observational cosmology), Bill Stoeger from the Vatican Observatory (theoretical cosmology), and Carlos Frenk from the Durham University (numerical cosmology). Richard Boyle (Dean of the school) and George Coyne (Director) of the Vatican Observatory also played a major role in the school. This is by far the best astronomy summer school you can attend, an opportunity not to be missed!

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This page was last modified on May 10 2005