
Galaxy Evolution Discussion Group

University of Oxford

The Galaxy Evolution Discussion Group talks take place once a week, currently Fridays at 11:30 in the Beecroft Room of the Denys Wilkinson Building. They aim to foster exchange amongst local people interested in galaxy evolution, primarily but not exclusively through studies of nearby galaxies. As such, the talks should typically contain 30-40 minutes of material, but they are scheduled for an hour to allow plenty of interaction, questions, and discussion.

We are always on the look-out for new people, so if you would like to talk do not hesitate to contact us. We do have a small budget to support outside speakers.

Martin Bureau and John Magorrian

Schedule: Hilary Term 2005

Time Speaker Topic
28 January 2005
(12:45 Beecroft)
Steven Bamford
University of Nottingham
The Evolution of Disk Galaxies
4 February 2005
(11:30 Beecroft)
Ryan Houghton
University of Oxford
Black Hole Mass Measurements with Adaptive Optics
18 February 2005
(11:45 Beecroft)
James Binney
University of Oxford
The Tensor Virial Theorem and Galaxy Dynamics Revisited
25 February 2005
(11:30 Beecroft)
Marc Sarzi
University of Oxford
Ionised-Gas Distribution and Kinematics in E and S0 Galaxies
4 March 2005
(11:30 Beecroft)
Emma Allard
University of Hertfordshire
The Circumnuclear Region of M100
11 March 2005
(11:30 Beecroft)
Daniel Thomas
University of Oxford
The Epochs of Early-Type Galaxy Formation as a Function of Environment

Previous terms:
Useful information: astrophysic, other seminars, directions.

This page was last modified on April 27 2005