How To Deconvolve a Map


The deconvolution wrapper has lots of input options with more functionality likely to be added in the Future. Not every possible combination of inputs has been tested and so some errors may get spat out. If you experience such an error please contact Luke Jew or Richard Grumitt who can help you to commit a fix.

For a description of the routine see the overleaf document.

deconvolveMap function

The cbasspy.mapManipulations.deconvolveMap.deconvolveMap() function is a wrapper that calls the necessary functions in the correct order. It has lots of input options that are discussed in various categories below. This document concludes with an example of how to call the function.

Necessary parameters

Parameter Description
inMap Input healpix map to be smoothed/deconvolved. Should be a HEALPix map with shape either (Npix,) or (3,Npix).
theta Angles at which the beam profile has been sampled, note this is the beam profile that the map is being deconvolved by.
beam The beam profile to deconvolve the map by.
fwhm The fwhm (in radians) of the 2D Gaussian that the map will be smoothed to.
NSIDE_out The Nside to downgrade the output map to

Miscellanious parameters

Parameter Description
niter = 3 Number of iterations to take when estimating alms from maps. You will not likely need to change this.
returnLots = False Whether to return lots of outputs. You likely will want to set this to True. If False, only returns outMap, outVarMap, outMap_dg, outVarMap_dg, outVarMapScaleFactor. If True, returns outMap, outVarMap, outMap_dg, outVarMap_dg, outVarMapScaleFactor, ell, inBeamBl_I, inBeamBl_P, outBeamBl_I, outBeamBl_P, ratio_I, ratio_P, omega_beam, omega_out
inCov = None The covariance map to use. If this is set to None then no noise information is used. If given then it is used during the degrading of Nside. A smoothed covariance map is also returned, along with a scaling factor that must be applied to it. If not None then shape should be either the same as inMap or (6,Npix).
inMapCoord = ‘c’. If rotating the map then the funciton needs the coordinate system of the input map.
numOfNoiseSims = 3. How many noise simulations to use when estimating the variance map correction factor.

Window function parameters

It takes ~1-2 hours to estimate the window function for high Nside maps. For speed there are options to save/load in pre-calculated window functions. The window fucntions are saved with names [windowFileName]I.txt and [windowFileName]P.txt and the columns are ell, inBeamBl, outBeamBl, ratio.

Parameter Description
saveWindowFns = False Whether to save the window functions as a txt file.
loadWindowFns = False Whether to load in a window function.
windowFileName =’windowFunctions’ The suffix of the window function file names.

Declination mask parameters

The deconvolution/smoothing/downgrading can have strange effects at the edge of the maps. Due to the C-BASS scan strategy the edge of the map is a line of constant declination. Therefore mask pixels in the output map between some minimum and maximum declination. This is particularly important when estimating the variance map scale factors. The default is to cut out the southern hemisphere.

Parameter Description
useDecMask = False Whether to apply masking.
outMapCoord = ‘g’ The output coordinate system of the maps. They will be rotated to this frame if not already in it.
cutMin = -90. The minimum declination (in degrees) to cut out.
cutMax = 0. The maximum declination (in degrees) to cut out.

Tapering parameters

There is option to apply a cosine taper to the ratio of the window functions.

Parameter Description
doTapering = False Whether to apply tapering to the ratio of the window functions
ell_min = 200 The multipole moment to begin the tapering.
ell_max = 2000 The mulitpole moment to end the tapering.

Output description

If returnLots is False

Output Description
outMap The deconvolved and smoothed map.
outVarMap The deconvolved and smoothed variance map(s) (or None is inCov=None).
outMap_dg The deconvolved, smoothed and degraded map.
outVarMap_dg The deconvolved, smoothed and degraded variance map(s) (or None is inCov=None).
outVarMapScaleFactor Scaling factor(s) to apply to outVarMap_dg.

If returnLots is True then the following is also returned

Output Description
ell Multipole moments.
inBeamBl_I In beam total intensity legendre transform.
inBeamBl_P In beam polarization legendre transform.
outBeamBl_I Gaussian beam total intensity legendre transform (approximate).
outBeamBl_P Gaussian beam polarization legendre transform (approximate).
ratio_I Ratio of the total intensity transfer functions.
ratio_P Ratio of the polarization transfer functions.
omega_beam Solid angle of the input beam.
omega_out Solid angle of ouput beam.

Example function call

First you need to import some python modules:

import numpy as np
import healpy as h
from scipy import constants
from cbasspy.mapManipulations.deconvolveMap import deconvolveMap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Here is an example loading in the relevant data:

inmap_name = '/users/luke/CBASS/cbass_analysis/IDL/NIGHT_v20_allFiles_masked5pc_C_1024_ol500_c_map.fits'
inCov_name = '/users/luke/CBASS/cbass_analysis/IDL/NIGHT_v20_allFiles_masked5pc_C_1024_ol500_c_cov.fits'
inMap = h.read_map(inmap_name,(0,1,2))
inCov = h.read_map(inCov_name,(0,1,2,3,4,5))
# Beam
deconvBeam_name = '/users/luke/CBASS/cbass_analysis/IDL/cbass-beam.txt'
beamFileData = np.loadtxt(deconvBeam_name)
theta = beamFileData[:,0]
beam = beamFileData[:,1]
# output options
fwhm = 1.0*np.pi/180.
NSIDE_out = 256

The function would then be called:

outMap, outVarMap, outMap_dg, outVarMap_dg, outVarMapScaleFactor,\
ell, inBeamBl_I, inBeamBl_P, outBeamBl_I, outBeamBl_P, ratio_I, ratio_P,\
omega_beam, omega_out = deconvolveMap(inMap,theta,beam,fwhm,NSIDE_out,\

The output maps could be saved for future use, after applying the correction factor:

# Save the total intensity map
# Make a copy of the downgraded/etc... variance map
correctedVarOut = np.copy(outVarMap_dg)
# Apply correction factor to copy
correctedVarOut[0] = correctedVarOut[0]*outVarMapScaleFactor[0]
correctedVarOut[1] = correctedVarOut[1]*outVarMapScaleFactor[1]
correctedVarOut[2] = correctedVarOut[2]*outVarMapScaleFactor[2]
# Set bad pixels back to healpix unseen value
correctedVarOut[0][outVarMap_dg[0]==h.UNSEEN] = h.UNSEEN
correctedVarOut[1][outVarMap_dg[1]==h.UNSEEN] = h.UNSEEN
correctedVarOut[2][outVarMap_dg[2]==h.UNSEEN] = h.UNSEEN
# Save the covariance map

You could plot the window functions:

# Plot window functions
plt.loglog(ell,ratio_I**2,label='I Ratio',c='DarkOrange',ls='-')
plt.loglog(ell,inBeamBl_I**2,label='I C-BASS',c='purple',ls='--')
plt.loglog(ell,outBeamBl_I**2,label='I Gaussian',c='DarkGreen',ls=':')

plt.loglog(ell,ratio_P**2,label='P Ratio',c='DarkOrange',ls='-')
plt.loglog(ell,inBeamBl_P**2,label='P C-BASS',c='purple',ls='--')
plt.loglog(ell,outBeamBl_P**2,label='P Gaussian',c='DarkGreen',ls=':')

Assuming that your input maps were in correctly calibrated antenna temperatures then you can rescale the outputs to Jy in beam:

nu = 4.76e9
inMap_S = 2.*constants.k*omega_beam/(constants.c/nu)**2*1e26*np.array(inMap)
outMap_S = 2.*constants.k*omega_out/(constants.c/nu)**2*1e26*np.array(outMap)