cbasspy.constantsPlotting package


cbasspy.constantsPlotting.example_run module

cbasspy.constantsPlotting.fromFileNames module

class constFile(fileName, columns, labels, inDir='./', isNoisediodeFile=False)

Bases: object

Data file object with built in plotting methods.


fileName : str

File name of constants file

columns : array_like

Array of strings, identifying each column, e.g. Tnd

labels : array_like

Array of strings, labelling each column, e.g. $T_{ND}$

inDir : str, ‘./’

Directory containing the file

isNoisediodeFile : bool, False

The noisediode files have a strange format. If this is set to True then some hardwired code is used to interpret them. If the format of these files is changed then this parameter won’t work. – LJ 21st August 2018 –


fileName (str) File name of constants file
columns (array_like) Array of strings, identifying each column, e.g. Tnd
labels (array_like) Array of strings, labelling each column, e.g. $T_{ND}$
inDir (str, ‘./’) Directory containing the file
numOfColumns (int) Number of columns of data (number of fields/categories)
numOfRows (int) Number of rows of data (number of entries)
extraFlags (array of ints, [1,…,1]) 1 where to accept data, 0 where to flag. Extra flags that the user can add. Should be of length numOfRows
data (dict) Dictionary containing the data
data_labels (dict) Dictionary containing the labels for the columns



Convert MJD dates under ``column’’ into matplotlib date numbers. Do this before plotting for nicer looking plots.

Can then call xaxisFormatDates to format into actual dates.


Overwrite the extraFlags with newExtraFlags

plotSimpleScatter(ax, columnX, columnY, fmt='.k', columnXerr=None, columnYerr=None, label='', labelX=None, labelY=None, factorX=1.0, factorY=1.0, **kwargs)

Simple script to quickly make scatter plots


ax : object

Matplotlib axis handle

columnX : str

Which column to plot on x-axis

columnY : str

Which column to plot on x-axis

fmt : str

Format of data points

columnXerr : str, None

Which column to plot as x-error-bar

columnYerr : str, None

Which column to plot as y-error-bar

label : str, ‘ ‘

Legend label for these points

labelX : str, None

If None, does nothing. Otherwise, overwrites the automatic x-axis label with this string.

labelY : str, None

If None, does nothing. Otherwise, overwrites the automatic y-axis label with this string.

factorX : float, 1.0

Factor by which to multiply the x data.

factorY : float, 1.0

Factor by which to multiply the x data.

**kwargs : kwargs

Pass to matplotlib.pyplot.errorbar


Reset the extra flags.

overplotStraightLine(ax, slope, intercept, color, ls='-', lw=1.5)

Over plot a straight line parametrized by slope and intercept.


ax : object

slope : float

intercept : float

color : str

ls : str, ‘-‘

lw : float, 1.5

xaxisFormatDates(ax, xory='x', majorYears=False, minorMonths=True, majorFmt='%Y-%m-%d')

Function that formats either the x or y axis in a matplotlib axis to show dates (rather than date numbers).


ax : object

matplotlib axis handle

xory : str, {‘x’,’y’}

whether to format the x or y axis

majorYears : bool, False

Put a major tick mark on each year

minorMonths : bool, True

Put a minor tick mark on each month

majorFmt : str, ‘%Y-%m-%d’

The format of the major ticks