M.Phys. & M.Math.Phys. Astrophysics

Lectures Michaelmas Term 2017

Radiative Processes in Astrophysics

Link to the NRAO online lecture course on introductory radio astronomy which contains useful material on brightness/flux and some radiation processes.

Lecture 1.

Lecture 2.

Lecture 3.

Lecture 4.

Lecture 5.

Lecture 6.

Lecture 7.

Lecture 8 and Lecture 9.

Lecture 10.

High-Energy Astrophysics

Lecture 1.

Leonid Sedov

Leonid Sedov

Taylor's first and second papers on blast waves from a "Very Intense Explosion".

Link to a full discussion of the Sedov blast wave solution by Geoff Bicknell at ANU.

Lecture 2.

Here are Tony Bell's first and second papers on first-order Fermi acceleration via shock crossing.

Lecture 3.

Lecture 4.

Fanaroff & Riley

Bernie Fanaroff & Julia Riley, Cambridge, 2013. Photo Credit: Sarah White

Lecture 5.

Shakura  & Sunyaev

Nikolai Ivanovich Shakura and Rashid Alievich Sunyaev, early 1970's

Lecture 6.

Lecture 7.

Lecture 8.

Lecture 9.

Sunyaev & Ze'dovich

Rashid Alievich Sunyaev and Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich

Lecture 10.

Garret Cotter

Denys Wilkinson Building
Keble Road
Oxford OX1 3RH
United Kingdom

44-1865-273604 (my office)
44-1865-273303 (astrophysics admin.)
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