FITS header for 3c273.fits

FITS header for 3c273.fits

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    4 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                  505 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                  298 / length of data axis 2                          
NAXIS3  =                    1 / length of data axis 3                          
NAXIS4  =                    1 / length of data axis 4                          
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the   
COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.             
OBJECT  = 'No_Name '           / Name of object                                 
TELESCOP= 'VLA     '           / Telescope used                                 
INSTRUME= 'L-BAND  '           / Instrument/detector used                       
OBSERVER= 'NVSS GRP'           / Astronomical observer                          
DATE-OBS= '1995-02-27'         / Date (yyyy-mm-dd) of observations              
BUNIT   = 'JY/BEAM '           / Physical units of image                        
EPOCH   =            2.000E+03 / Celestial coordiate equinox                    
ALTRPIX =         1.000000E+00 / Frequency alternate reference pixel            
DATAMAX =         4.727494E+01 / Maximum physical value in image                
DATAMIN =        -1.286774E-01 / Minimum physical value in image                
OBSRA   =   1.880000000000E+02 / Observered Right Ascension                     
OBSDEC  =   4.000000000000E+00 / Observered declination                         
CTYPE1  = 'RA---SIN'           / Axis types                                     
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--SIN'                                                            
CTYPE3  = 'STOKES  '                                                            
CTYPE4  = 'FREQ    '                                                            
CDELT1  =        -4.166667E-03 / Axis coordinate increments                     
CDELT2  =         4.166667E-03                                                  
CDELT3  =         1.000000E+00                                                  
CDELT4  =         1.000000E+08                                                  
CRPIX1  =         2.530000E+02 / Axis coordinate reference pixel                
CRPIX2  =         4.750000E+01                                                  
CRPIX3  =         1.000000E+00                                                  
CRPIX4  =         1.000000E+00                                                  
CROTA1  =         0.000000E+00 / Axis coordinate rotation                       
CROTA2  =         0.000000E+00                                                  
CROTA3  =         0.000000E+00                                                  
CROTA4  =         0.000000E+00                                                  
CRVAL1  =   1.872774999996E+02 / Axis coordinate value at CRPIXn                
CRVAL2  =   2.052222222222E+00                                                  
CRVAL3  =   1.000000000000E+00                                                  
CRVAL4  =   1.400000000000E+09                                                  
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY                      NRAO VLA Sky Survey                                
HISTORY                      Copyright 1994                                     
HISTORY                      Associated Universities, Inc.                      
HISTORY                      National Radio Astronomy Observatory               
HISTORY                      520 Edgemont Road                                  
HISTORY                      Charlottesville, VA  22903-2475                    
HISTORY    Permission is granted for publication and reproduction of this       
HISTORY material for scholarly, educational, and private non-commerical         
HISTORY use.  Inquiries for potential commercial uses should be                 
HISTORY addressed to:                                                           
HISTORY                    NRAO                                                 
HISTORY                    520 Edgemont Road                                    
HISTORY                    Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475                       
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY                        THE NRAO VLA SKY SURVEY                          
HISTORY        J. J. Condon, W. D. Cotton, E. W. Greisen, and Q. F. Yin         
HISTORY        National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road          
HISTORY        Charlottesville, VA 22903                                        
HISTORY        R. A Perley                                                      
HISTORY        National Radio Astronomy Observatory, P. O. Box 0                
HISTORY        Socorro, NM 87801                                                
HISTORY        J. J. Broderick                                                  
HISTORY        Physics Department                                               
HISTORY        Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University              
HISTORY        Blacksburg, VA 24061                                             
HISTORY Observations for the 1.4 GHz NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) began in 1993   
HISTORY September and should cover the sky north of -40 deg declination (82%    
HISTORY of the celestial sphere) before the end of 1996.  The principal data    
HISTORY products will be:                                                       
HISTORY    (1) A set of 2326 continuum map "cubes," each covering 4 deg X 4 deg 
HISTORY    with three planes containing Stokes I, Q, and U images.  These maps  
HISTORY    were made with a relatively large restoring beam (45 arcsec FWHM) to 
HISTORY    yield the high surface-brightness sensitivity needed for completeness
HISTORY    and photometric accuracy.  Their rms brightness fluctuations are     
HISTORY    about 0.45 mJy/beam = 0.14 K (Stokes I) and 0.29 mJy/beam = 0.09 K   
HISTORY    (Stokes Q and U).  The rms uncertainties in right ascension and      
HISTORY    declination vary from 0.3 arcsec for strong (S > 30 mJy) point       
HISTORY    sources to 5 arcsec for the faintest (S = 2.5 mJy) detectable        
HISTORY    sources.                                                             
HISTORY    (2) Lists of discrete sources.                                       
HISTORY The NVSS is being made as a service to the astronomical community, and  
HISTORY the data products are being released as soon as they are produced and   
HISTORY verified.                                                               
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY                        ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                           
HISTORY All large NVSS maps that have been verified are available by anonymous  
HISTORY FTP, as described below.  The anonymous FTP directory also contains a   
HISTORY README file pointing to files, such as the postscript file "",  
HISTORY giving a more detailed description of the NVSS.  Careful users will     
HISTORY read these files before using the NVSS images.  If you have any         
HISTORY questions or comments about the NVSS, please contact Jim Condon by      
HISTORY email at Internet address "" or by telephone at (804)   
HISTORY 296-0322.                                                               
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY                        ANONYMOUS FTP DIRECTORY                          
HISTORY The large (4 deg X 4 deg) map cubes and total intensity only images     
HISTORY are stored as binary files in FITS format (see Grosbol et al. 1988,     
HISTORY Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplements, v. 73, p. 359 for a description   
HISTORY of the FITS format).  Maps are stored in gzip compressed form but an    
HISTORY uncompressed form may be requested (see below).  Each map is named by   
HISTORY the J2000 right ascension and declination of its center.  Maps          
HISTORY containing the full (IQU) polarization cube have names beginning with   
HISTORY a "C" and those with total intensity only begin with an "I".  For       
HISTORY example, C2230P84.gz is centered on right ascension = 22h 30m,          
HISTORY declination = +84 deg; "M" is used to denote negative declinations.     
HISTORY You can copy these maps by anonymous FTP.  A typical FTP session might  
HISTORY go as follows:                                                          
HISTORY      ftp                                               
HISTORY      login: anonymous                                                   
HISTORY      password:               (type your name or email address here)     
HISTORY      cd pub/nvss             (to access the NVSS public directory)      
HISTORY      ls                      (to list the directory contents)           
HISTORY      get            (to get a postscript copy of the paper)    
HISTORY      binary                  (to copy binary files)                     
HISTORY      cd MAPS                 (to go to the maps directory)              
HISTORY      get C2230P84.gz         (to get the map cube centered on 22h 30m,  
HISTORY                               +84 deg in compressed form)               
HISTORY      get I2230P84            (to get the total intensity map centered on
HISTORY                               22h 30m, +84 deg in uncompressed form)    
HISTORY      quit                                                               
HISTORY You can also access the FTP directory via the VLA D-array NVSS Survey   
HISTORY item on the NRAO WWW home page:                                         
HISTORY Compression: The images are stored as standard FITS files compressed    
HISTORY in GNU zip (gzip) format; the .gz at the end of the name denoting this  
HISTORY compression.  If an uncompressed version is desired, omit the ".gz" when
HISTORY requesting the file from ftp.  Gzipped file are uncompressed using      
HISTORY gunzip which is available for most computer systems.  For more details  
HISTORY see file pub/nvss/compress.txt.                                         
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY AIPS   IMNAME='I1232P04    ' IMCLASS='I     ' IMSEQ=   1     /          
HISTORY AIPS   USERNO=  101            /                                        
HISTORY AIPS   / VDQTZ  QUANTIZE AT  1.00000E-04                                
HISTORY AIPS   CLEAN BMAJ=  1.2500E-02 BMIN=  1.2500E-02 BPA=   0.00            
HISTORY AIPS   CLEAN NITER=        1 PRODUCT=1   / NORMAL                       
HISTORY postage: Input FITS file =                                              
HISTORY /home/ftp/pub/nvss/MAPS/I1232P04.gz                                     
DATE    = '2010-08-02'         / Date FITS file written (yyyy-mm-dd)            
ORIGIN  = 'postage 1.2.1 (NVSS postage stamp)' / FITS file creator