FITS header for stamp.10611-1281617180.fits

FITS header for stamp.10611-1281617180.fits

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                  -32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes                            
NAXIS1  =                  550 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                  646 / length of data axis 2                          
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the   
COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.             
OBJECT  = 'unknown '           / Name of object                                 
TELESCOP= 'MOST    '           / Telescope used                                 
INSTRUME= '        '           / Instrument/detector used                       
OBSERVER= '        '           / Astronomical observer                          
DATE-OBS= '        '           / Date (dd/mm/yy) of observations                
BUNIT   = 'JY/BEAM '           / Physical units of image                        
EPOCH   =            2.000E+03 / Celestial coordiate equinox                    
ALTRPIX =         1.000000E+00 / Frequency alternate reference pixel            
DATAMAX =         3.445724E+01 / Maximum physical value in image                
DATAMIN =        -2.346564E+00 / Minimum physical value in image                
OBSRA   =   0.000000000000E+00 / Observered Right Ascension                     
OBSDEC  =   0.000000000000E+00 / Observered declination                         
CTYPE1  = 'RA---SIN'           / Axis types                                     
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--SIN'           /                                                
CDELT1  =        -4.166667E-03 / Axis coordinate increments                     
CDELT2  =         4.166667E-03 /                                                
CRPIX1  =         2.760000E+02 / Axis coordinate reference pixel                
CRPIX2  =         3.240000E+02 /                                                
CROTA1  =         0.000000E+00 / Axis coordinate rotation                       
CROTA2  =         0.000000E+00 /                                                
CRVAL1  =   2.018650624990E+02 / Axis coordinate value at CRPIXn                
CRVAL2  =  -4.301911258327E+01 /                                                
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY This image is part of the Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS).
HISTORY This image is copyrighted:                                              
HISTORY     Copyright 1997-2002 School of Physics, The University of Sydney.    
HISTORY SUMSS is supported by grants from the Australian Research Council.      
HISTORY Permission is granted for publication and reproduction of this          
HISTORY material for scholarly, educational, and private non-commerical use.    
HISTORY Inquiries for potential commercial uses should be addressed to:         
HISTORY                    Dr. R.W. Hunstead or Dr. E.M. Sadler                 
HISTORY                    Astrophysics Department, A29                         
HISTORY                    University of Sydney                                 
HISTORY                    Sydney, NSW 2006                                     
HISTORY                    Australia                                            
HISTORY                    email:                     
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY About the survey:                                                       
HISTORY SUMSS is a deep radio survey of the entire sky south of declination     
HISTORY -30 degrees, made using the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope,   
HISTORY operating at 843MHz and recording right-circular polarization.          
HISTORY SUMSS matches (approximately) the resolution and depth of the NRAO-VLA  
HISTORY Sky Survey (NVSS). The principal data products are images like this one,
HISTORY which cover a 4x4 degree square on the sky. The centres of the mosaics  
HISTORY mirror the NVSS centres in the north.                                   
HISTORY The survey began in March 1997 and will take eight years to complete.   
HISTORY The primary reference for a description of the survey is:               
HISTORY  Bock, D., Large, M. and Sadler, E.                                     
HISTORY  SUMSS: A Wide-Field Radio Imaging Survey of the Southern Sky.          
HISTORY    I. Science goals, survey design and instrumentation''                
HISTORY  Astronomical Journal v117, p1578 (1999).                               
HISTORY Other descriptive material is available on the SUMSS web site,          
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY About this image:                                                       
HISTORY This image is a mosaic composed of several individual MOST observations,
HISTORY taken over a wide span in time (sometimes years apart). The observations
HISTORY are overlapped to reduce variations in the noise background arising from
HISTORY the primary beam of the MOST.                                           
HISTORY Each MOST observation is a 12-hour synthesis covering a region of       
HISTORY diameter 160 arcmin x 160/sin(dec). These images are combined to        
HISTORY produce the mosaic. A summary of the observations that went into this   
HISTORY mosaic is given below.                                                  
HISTORY The beamshape of the individual images is 43x43/sin(dec), PA=0.         
HISTORY Thus, the beamshapes are slightly different for different images. In    
HISTORY this mosaic all the sources are convolved to the _same_ beamshape,      
HISTORY 45 arcsec by 45/sin(dec), along PA=0, where dec refers to the           
HISTORY _centre_ of the _mosaic_. The choice of a slightly larger               
HISTORY beamshape for the mosaics is intentional. The correct beam shape        
HISTORY parameters for this image are given in the BMAJ/BMIN/BPA header cards.  
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY SUMSS observations for Mosaic J1320M44:                                 
HISTORY Code              Start time    Start time  Time         RA         Dec 
HISTORY               (AEST = UT+10)      (JD, UT)   (h)    (J2000)     (J2000) 
HISTORY I1334451 1999/06/20 13:48:49 2451349.65890 11.25 13:37:30.1 -45:24:23.4 
HISTORY I1304421 1998/03/24 19:04:00 2450896.87778 11.95 13:07:30.2 -42:48:36.1 
HISTORY I1304451 1998/03/23 19:07:00 2450895.87986 11.81 13:07:29.9 -45:24:24.2 
HISTORY I1312411 1998/03/26 19:03:00 2450898.87708 11.90 13:15:00.2 -41:30:36.3 
HISTORY I1312461 1998/03/25 19:07:00 2450897.87986 11.96 13:14:59.9 -46:42:36.3 
HISTORY I1319451 1998/03/27 19:07:00 2450899.87986 11.97 13:22:30.0 -45:24:24.4 
HISTORY I1327411 1998/03/20 19:42:00 2450892.90417 11.96 13:29:59.9 -41:30:35.6 
HISTORY I1326461 1998/03/06 20:37:00 2450878.94236 11.95 13:30:00.3 -46:42:35.7 
HISTORY I1327431 1998/03/13 20:09:00 2450885.92292 11.97 13:30:00.0 -44:06:35.7 
HISTORY I1312431 1998/02/13 21:44:00 2450857.98889 11.85 13:15:00.0 -44:06:36.4 
HISTORY I1319421 1998/02/26 21:01:00 2450870.95903 11.91 13:22:30.0 -42:48:36.5 
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY This image is part of 'SUMSS Release 0.2', August 2002.                 
HISTORY This release replaces ALL earlier SUMSS images (i.e. those              
HISTORY from 'Release 0.1', dated between March 2000 and July 2002).            
HISTORY These mosaics may be superseded in future by later data releases        
HISTORY using more sophisticated processing techniques.                         
HISTORY The mosaics in Release 0.2 are 4.3 x 4.3 degrees in size,               
HISTORY i.e. slightly larger than the 4.0 x 4.0 degrees of the 'Release 0.1'    
HISTORY mosiacs.  The increased size was needed to give sufficient overlap      
HISTORY between mosaics for automatic cataloguing software.                     
HISTORY A description of the processing for Release 0 mosaics is available      
HISTORY on the SUMSS website,      
HISTORY A catalogue of SUMSS sources from Release 0.2 SUMSS mosaics will        
HISTORY be available from September 2002.  The initial catalogue covers         
HISTORY about 3400 square degrees of sky and contains around 100,000            
HISTORY sources to a limiting peak flux density of 6 mJy/beam south of          
HISTORY declination -50 degrees and 10 mJy/beam at declinations between         
HISTORY -50 and -30 degrees.  Image artifacts have been classified using        
HISTORY a decision tree, which correctly identifies and rejects spurious        
HISTORY sources in over 97 percent of cases.                                    
HISTORY A complete description of the SUMSS catalogue is contained in a         
HISTORY paper by T. Mauch, T. Murphy, H.J. Buttery, J. Curran, R.W. Hunstead,   
HISTORY B. Piestrzynski and E.M. Sadler, which will be submitted to MNRAS       
HISTORY in September 2002.  Further sources will be added to the catalogue      
HISTORY as the survey proceeds.  The catalogue is available online at the       
HISTORY SUMSS website:            
HISTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HISTORY About the image format:                                                 
HISTORY The naming scheme for SUMSS mosaics is: JhhmmMdd where                  
HISTORY   J    signifies J2000.0 coordinates,                                   
HISTORY   hhmm is the RA hours and minutes of the field centre,                 
HISTORY   M    signifies southern declination,                                  
HISTORY   dd   is the Declination degrees of the field centre.                  
HISTORY The images are stored in FITS format, which is described by:            
HISTORY  Grosbol et al. 1988, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplements, v73, p359.  
HISTORY When downloading SUMSS images, be sure to use 'binary' transfer mode.   
HISTORY Software to view FITS-format files can be obtained from                 
HISTORY The standard programming library to deal with FITS files is FITSIO,     
HISTORY available from                                                          
HISTORY The mosaics are compressed with GNU zip, or 'gzip', which is            
HISTORY available from                                                          
HISTORY  the Free Software Foundation (   
HISTORY and the author of 'gzip',                                               
HISTORY  Jean-Loup Gailly  (                               
HISTORY FITS: Miriad fits: Fits: version 1.1 04-Oct-01                          
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 02AUG30:18:04:57.0                                   
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:                                       
HISTORY FITS:    in=/tmp/release_mosaic.bchan.28283/testmir                     
HISTORY FITS:    out=J1320M44.r0.fits                                           
HISTORY FITS:    op=xyout                                                       
HISTORY FITS: NOTE: Use options=varwt if loading into Miriad                    
HISTORY   postage: Input FITS file =                                            
HISTORY   /export/www/astrop/apwww/mosaics/Extragalactic/J1320M44.FITS          
DATE    = '12/08/10'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)             
ORIGIN  = 'postage (NVSS postage stamp)' / FITS file creator