
The Nest of the Eagle


Star Birth out of the Interstellar Medium

M 16 The Eagle Nebula ©

M 16

* First read the book. book
(Unfortunately this FTP server is often busy.)
More background on the background

* Then see the movie. Movie

(Unfortunately this FTP server is often busy.)
For help with the screening, consult the projectionist.

* Get some more popcorn.
* Watch the theory of how stars are born out of interstellar clouds. Movie
* The role of MHD turbulence in star star formation, shown in VRML.
* Watch an MHD simulation of density perturbations in a turbulent Interstellar Medium. Movie

* Check out the details of the latest research on Star Formation.


* If you like flicks, the same projectionist has over a thousand more great Astro Animations available.


* Continue the flight through the Cosmos Schiller
* Head home Home


* Help in understanding the projectionist help!. . Help getting a projectionist help!
Help in becoming a projectionist help!
