Michele Cappellari's Ph.D. Thesis
Padova, Italy, 31 December 2000
Nuclear Mass Concentrations in Galaxies
Chapter 1
Introduction and Summary
Cover Page + Contents + Chapter 1
(121 KB, 14 pages, no figures)
Chapter 2
The Mini AGN at the Center of the Elliptical Galaxy
NGC 4552 with HST
I make use of spectroscopic and photometric HST observations
to investigate the nature of an ultraviolet (UV) flare we previously discovered
in the nucleus of the normal elliptical galaxy NGC 4552. These observations
give strong support to our hypothesis that this phenomenon has been produced
by an accretion event onto the nuclear BH in this galaxy.
(688 KB, 34 pages, 12 figures)
Chapter 3
The Cuspy Liner Nucleus of the S0/a Galaxy NGC
I study by means of HST the gas kinematics in the
bulge of the spiral galaxy NGC 2681. This object has a low central stellar
dispersion and a correspondingly low BH mass has to be expected. The upper
limit to the BH mass I determine for this object is consistent with the
predictions from the MBH-sigma relation, indeed. In addition, the absence
of color gradients and spectral shape variations within this galaxy central
regions (R<10"), combined with the very steep photometric profile, suggests
that the nucleus of this object formed through a rapid dissipative collapse.
(428 KB, 20 pages, 10 figures)
Chapter 4
Circumnuclear Keplerian Disks in Galaxies
I construct a model of the expected bidimensional
appearance of nuclear emission lines, as observed in ground-based long-slit
spectra, as a function of the central BH mass. In particular, I show that
some of the observed lines---apparently consisting of two kinematically
distinct components---can actually be explained as due to the presence
of a thin gaseous disk, rotating in the combined potential of the stellar
potential and the nuclear BH. In doing so, I notice that this kind of study
can be very useful to select good candidates for further HST observations
intended to derive accurate BH mass estimates in spiral galaxies.
(306 KB, 12 pages, 5 figures)
Chapter 5
The Counterrotating Core and Nuclear Black Hole
in IC 1459
I analyze high S/N spectroscopic observations, along
five different slit positions, of the elliptical galaxy IC 1459, the prototype
galaxy with a kinematically decoupled core. I present results based on
self-consistent three-integral axisymmetric models of the stellar kinematics,
obtained with Schwarzschild's numerical orbit superposition method. To
fit the observed surface brightness an axisymmetric Multi Gaussian Expansion
(MGE) parametrization for the three-dimensional stellar luminosity density
has been adopted. The analysis of the internal dynamics of this object
indicates that the observed counterrotation is produced by stars lying
essentially in a thin disk and having a mass ~1% of the galaxy total mass.
The intrinsic shape I derive for the decoupled core strongly favors one
of the competing hypotheses for the formation of the nucleus of this galaxy,
namely the external acquisition of counterrotating gas, which subsequently
settled on a thin disk that later turned into stars. During the acquisition
process, the gas could have contributed to the BH growth, an occurrence
confirmed by the estimated BH mass, which turns out to be of the same order
of magnitude as the counterrotating core.
(1280 KB, 26 pages, 16 figures)
Chapter 6
An Efficient Algorithm for the MGE Fit of Galaxy
I develop an efficient, accurate and robust new algorithm,
for the determination of the Multi Gaussian Expansion (MGE) parametrization
starting from galaxy images. The MGE method is currently the one that can
better reproduce the density distribution of real galaxies, i.e. composed
of multiple photometric components. The new algorithm presented in this
chapter makes the MGE method more generally and easily applicable to dynamical
studies of galaxies. Here I apply this algorithm to the MGE fitting of
a galaxy sample with HST photometry, which will be used in subsequent work.
(2341 KB, 24 pages, 16 figures)
Chapter 7
The Orthogonally Rotating Core in NGC 4698
I present spectroscopic and photometric observations,
from the ground and with HST, of a new kinematically decoupled core, that
seems to rotate orthogonally to the disk, in the bulge of the spiral galaxy
NGC 4698. I discuss some possible hypotheses for the nature of this object.
(436 KB, 12 pages, 7 figures)
Appendix A
Objects in NGC 205 Resolved into Stellar Associations
by HST UV Imaging
(350 KB, 10 pages, 4 figures)
Appendix B
UV Imaging of the Galaxy Cluster Abell 851 at
(693 KB, 17 pages, 6 figures)
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