NGC4698 Exponential Disk Decomposition
By Michele Cappellari, Padova, 18 February 1999
Exponential Disk + r^1/4 Bulge 2D decomposition with the correct (Poissonian
+ readnoise) weighting of the errors of each pixel. A seeing FWHM of 1.0"
has been adopted in the modeling. The parameters of the best fit model
are the following: P.A. Disk=176° (assuming the frame oriented N-S),
i=arccos(1/qd)=68°, qb=0.90, id=595 counts, ie=300 counts, rd=43.8",
1) The "Hourglass" bulge (after the exponential disk subtraction)
2) The 2D model
3) The residuals.
All three images are shown on a linear scale

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