The software below is freely available. However, if you use it for
published research, you are
requested to cite the paper highlighted in red where the
method is described.
You are not allowed to re-distribute any of these programs
(modified or not) without explicit permission from the
Robust technique to perform Multi-Gaussian Expansion (MGE) fits
to galaxy images
1.1 The Method
Figure 1:Illustration of the steps
involved in the MGE fit to the S0 galaxy NGC 4342 using the
MgeFit package. The figures were produced by the script included in the Python
distribution of the software.
This software obtains an accurate Multi-Gaussian Expansion (MGE)
parametrization (Cappellari 2002;
Emsellem et al.
1994) for a galaxy surface brightness with the fitting
algorithm of Cappellari (2002). Given that
Gaussians are not orthogonal functions, MGE fits are in general strongly
degenerate, with difficult global convergence, but the
mge_fit_sectors method solves all problems, making MGE
fitting an automated, reliable and robust process (Figure 1).
See Cappellari
et al. (2013b) and Zhu et al. (2024) for large scale applications of
this software to the study of the M/L ratio and the Fundamental Plane of
early-type galaxies and Cappellari et al. (2012) for an
application to the study of the stellar IMF. The MGE parametrization is
useful in the construction of realistic dynamical models of galaxies
(see JAM in Section 2), for PSF deconvolution of images,
for the correction and estimation of dust absorption effects, or for
galaxy photometry.
1.2 The MgeFit package in
The pure-Python code of the MgeFit package, including
four test galaxy images, is on the Python Package Index .
How to install: Use pip install mgefit.
Without write access to the global site-packages
directory, use pip install --user mgefit.
Usage examples: Are in the directory “examples”
inside the main package folder inside site-packages.
The User Manual: The detailed user manual is HERE.
NOTE: I would appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail (address
at the bottom) when you download the above procedures.
2JAM: Jeans Anisotropic Modelling
Jeans Anisotropic Modelling of the dynamics, stellar kinematics
or proper motions of axisymmetric or spherical galaxies
2.1 The Method
Figure 2:(a)
Including both proper motions and radial velocities. Top
Panels: the components of the symmetric velocity second moment tensor
measured from the particles of a realistic N-body simulation. Bottom
Panels: the corresponding JAM model predictions. Note the striking
agreement! (Cappellari et al.
2012). (b) The JAM package includes an
implementation for both the cylindrically-aligned solution
JAMcyl of Cappellari (2008) and the spherically-aligned
solution JAMsph of Cappellari (2020). Comparisons between these two
extreme solutions allows for a robust assessment of possible systematic
modeling uncertainties (see Cappellari 2020, for some examples).
(c) Validating black hole (BH) recovery with JAM. A
detailed JAM modelling accurately recovers the “benchmark” BH mass in
NGC4258, as inferred from maser observations (Drehmer et al. 2015, fig. 11). An
equally good agreement was found with JAM for the “benchmark” BH in the
Milky Way (Feldmeier-Krause et
al. 2017, sec. 4.1.2). Other successful BH comparisons,
between JAM and Schwarzschild’s method, were presented e.g. in Cappellari et al. (2010), for 25
galaxies, and Krajnović et al. (2018), for 7
galaxies. (d) This is the first dynamical modelling
(using JAMsph) of the high-quality Gaia DR2
kinematics of the Milky Way, with full 6D phase-space coordinates. For
the first time, there is no dynamical degeneracy and the model has no
freedom to fit the data, yet all features are reproduced. This is an
important test of galaxy dynamics (Nitschai et al. 2020, fig. 1).Figure 3:Examples of JAM data-model comparisons. The bi-symmetrized SAURON
stellar kinematics of 6 Elliptical (left) and 6 S0 (right) fast-rotator
early-type galaxies is compared to the predictions of the anisotropic
Jeans models with JAM. The kinematics varies widely for different
galaxies, yet these two-parameter models are able to
correctly predict the shape of a pair of two-dimensional functions
(V and Vrms), once the observed
surface brightness is given (Cappellari 2016, fig. 10).Figure 4:Left Panel: JAM works better than
Schwarzschild’s method on simulated galaxies. A detailed
comparison using the Illustris simulations with
the JAM and Schwarzschild’s (SCH) dynamical models, found that JAM
recovers the known enclosed total mass within 1Re more
accurately than SCH. Specifically, the 68th percentile deviation (1σ error) over all 45 model fits is
1.6× smaller for JAM than SCH (Jin et al. 2019, fig. 4). Right
Panel: JAM works better than Schwarzschild’s method on
real galaxies. A detailed comparison, for 54 real disk galaxies
with CALIFA data, between the
circular velocity VCO measured from CO gas and the
corresponding VJAM and VSCH from dynamical
modelling of integral-field stellar kinematics using the JAM and
Schwarzschild’s (SCH) methods, found that JAM recovers the densities
more accurately than SCH. Specifically, between 0.8–1.6 Re (inside the
red boxes), where the gas is well-resolved and Vc is better
determined, the mean 1σ error
is 1.7× smaller for JAM than SCH (Leung et al. 2018, fig. 8).
The JAM software in this section can be used for the dynamical
modelling of galaxies or other gravitationally-bound systems of
particles. It was used e.g. to measure the mass of supermassive black
holes in galaxies, to infer their dark-matter content or to measure
galaxy masses and density profiles.
JAM implements a solution of the Jeans equations which allows for
orbital anisotropy (three-integrals distribution function) and also
provides the full second moment tensor, including both proper motions
and radial velocities (Figure 2a), for both axisymmetric
(Cappellari et al.
2012) and spherical geometry (Cappellari 2015). The technique was
introduced in Cappellari (2008), for the
cylindrically-aligned case, and in Cappellari (2020), for the
spherically-aligned case (Figure 2b), and I called it the
Jeans Anisotropic Modelling (JAM) method. It relies on the
Multi-Gaussian Expansion parametrization (Cappellari 2002;
Emsellem et al.
1994) for the galaxy surface brightness.
With the addition of a single extra parameter βz = 1 − (σz/σR)2(in
cylindrical alignment) or βr = 1 − (σθ/σr)2(in
spherical alignment), the simple and user-friendly three-integrals
JAM method already provides a dramatic improvement over the classic but
less general two-integrals f(E, Lz)Jeans (1922) models.
However, JAM also allows for tangential anisotropy γ = 1 − (σϕ/σR)2
and/or for spatially varying anisotropy (different for every MGE
Gaussian). The JAM models provide an excellent description of
state-of-the-art integral-field stellar kinematics of real galaxies (Figure 3). This makes the technique
well suited to measure the inclination, the dynamical M/L and angular
momenta of early-type fast-rotators and spiral galaxies. JAM was found
to be more accurate than Schwarzschild modelling when
measuring the density profiles of both real and simulated galaxies (Figure 4).
The JAM routines are designed for axisymmetric or spherical geometry,
(i) they can provide the proper motion dispersion tensor (Cappellari 2012,
(Figure 2a), (ii) allow for the
inclusion of dark matter, (iii) variable stellar M/L, (iv) spatially
varying anisotropy and (v) multiple kinematic components and (vi)
supermassive black holes (BH; Figure 2c). The JAM package also
includes a routine to compute the circular velocity from the MGE models.
Some sample applications of the JAM method are given
Dynamical masses for a sample of 9 passive early-type galaxies at
redshift z ≈ 2(Cappellari et al.
First Gaia DR2 dynamical model of the Milky Way with six
phase-space coordinates (Nitschai et al. 2020, 2021)
Dynamical modelling of the final (DR17) MaNGA sample of 10K galaxies
with integral-field spectroscopy (Zhu et
al. 2023)
Time-delay cosmography from dynamical models and lensing time-delay
(Shajib et al.
Dynamical masses for 3200 LEGA-C galaxies at redshift z ≈ 0.8(Cappellari 2023)
To construct dynamical models with the JAM method one needs to
describe the galaxies surface brightness via the Multi-Gaussian
Expansion parametrization using my MgeFit package in Section 1.
2.3 The method
(cylindrical-only) in the C language
Note that the JAM Python code is extremely well vectorized. You
should not assume the C version will be significantly
faster without benchmarking with identical setup. Also note
that the C version only implements the cylindrically aligned JAM
solution, not the spherically-aligned one. Laura Watkins has translated
the JAM procedures into the C language. Laura’s code is available here.
NOTE: I would appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail (address
at the bottom) when you download the above procedures.
3VorBin: Voronoi Binning
Adaptively spatial bin two-dimensional data to a constant
signal-to-noise ratio per bin
3.1 The Method
Figure 5:Left:Four-coloring
of Voronoi binning; Middle: Unbinned versus Voronoi
binned stellar kinematics from Integral-Field Spectroscopy (Cappellari & Copin
2003); Right: Voronoi binning of abundance
from X-ray data (Sanders et al.
The Voronoi Binning method by Cappellari & Copin (2003) optimally solves
the problem of preserving the maximum spatial resolution of general
two-dimensional data (or higher dimensions), given a constraint on the
minimum signal-to-noise ratio (Figure 5).
The Voronoi binning method has been applied to a variety
of types of data. A review of the concepts and applications to (i) X-ray
data, (ii) integral-field spectroscopy, (iii) Fabry-Perot
interferometry, (iv) N-body simulations, (v) standard images and (vi)
other regularly or irregularly sampled data is given in Cappellari (2009).
3.2 The package
The source code of the VorBin package, with examples and
instructions, is on the Python
Package Index .
How to install: Use pip install vorbin.
Without write access to the global site-packages
directory, use pip install --user vorbin.
Usage examples: Are in the directory “examples”
inside the main package folder inside site-packages.
The User Manual: The detailed user manual is HERE.
My optional plotbin
package contains routines to visualize Voronoi 2D-binned or unbinned
data like in Figure 5.
3.3 The package
VorBin was ported to the Julia language by Michael Reefe. You can find
it HERE.
NOTE: I would appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail (address
at the bottom) when you download the above procedures.
4pPXF: Penalized Pixel-Fitting
Stellar or gas kinematics and stellar population from galaxy
spectra via full spectrum fitting with photometry
4.1 The Method
Figure 6:Left: Stellar and gas kinematics fit with pPXF. The
line (mostly hidden by the fit) is the relative flux of
the observed spectrum. The red
line is the pPXF fit for the stellar component, while the orange line is a fit to the
gas emission lines. The green
symbols at the bottom are the fit residuals, while the blue
lines is the gas-only best-fitting spectrum. The main
absorption and emission features are indicated at the top of the plot
(Cappellari 2017,
fig. 1). Right: Spectra and photometry with
pPXF. The top panel shows a fit to the
28-bands COSMOS photometry for a galaxy in the LEGA-C
survey at redshift z ≈ 0.7. The grey band indicates
where the spectrum is also available. The middle panel
is the fit to the spectrum and gas emission. The bottom
panel shows the recovered star formation history (SFH) using
43(Ages)×9([M/H])=387 FSPS population templates
(Cappellari 2023,
fig. 5).
This software implements the Penalized PiXel-Fitting method (pPXF) to
extract the stellar or gas kinematics (Figure 6 Left) and stellar population
(Figure 6 Right) from absorption-line
spectra of galaxies, using a maximum penalized likelihood approach. The
method was originally described in Cappellari & Emsellem (2004) and was
significantly upgraded in subsequent years and particularly in Cappellari (2017) and
with the inclusion of photometry and linear constraints in Cappellari (2023). The method is
very general and robust. For this reason it was applied to a variety of
situations. The following key features are implemented in the current
pPXF program:
Optimal template: Fitted together with the
kinematics to minimize template-mismatch errors. Also, useful to extract
gas kinematics or derive emission-corrected line-strengths indexes. One
can use synthetic templates to study the stellar population of galaxies
via “Full-Spectrum Fitting” instead of using traditional
Regularization of template weights: To reduce the
noise in the recovery of the stellar population parameters and attach a
physical meaning to the output weights assigned to the templates in term
of the star formation history (SFH) or metallicity distribution of an
individual galaxy;
Multiple gaseous/stellar components: Each template
in pPXF can be assigned to a different kinematic component, with a
different LOSVD (Johnston et al.
2013). This allows one to extract multiple kinematic
components and to fit the gas emission lines together with the stellar
kinematics and population; Penalization applies to both gas and stars
and regularization can still be enforced to the stellar templates;
Fitting photometry and spectra: One can fit
multiple photometric bands (SED) simultaneously with a spectrum (Cappellari
Kinematic bulge/disk decomposition: One can enforce
a ratio between the flux of two kinematic components, e.g., to try to
infer the kinematic of bulge and disk components (Tabor et al. 2017);
Linear constraints on templates or kinematics: One
can enforce general linear constraints on either the stellar templates
(e.g., require the total weights in one kinematic component to be larger
than a certain fraction) or the kinematic parameters (e.g., requiring
the dispersion of one kinematic component to be larger than a certain
fraction of that of another component) (Cappellari 2023);
Iterative sigma clipping: To clean the spectra from
residual bad pixels or cosmic rays;
Two-sided LOSVD fitting: To reduce systematic
errors in the kinematics, using two spectra taken at the opposite sides
of the galaxy nucleus (Rix et al. 1992,
sec. 3.6);
Additive/multiplicative polynomials: To correct low
frequency continuum variations. Also useful for calibration
Inclusion of sky spectrum: To deal with spectra
heavily contaminated by the sky spectrum (Weijmans et al. 2009, sec. 3.1);
Reddening fit: To determine the reddening of the
spectrum using the extinction curve of (Calzetti et al. 2000);
Inclusion of covariance matrix: To account for
correlated errors in the spectral pixels (e.g. due to rebinning and
See Emsellem et al.
SAURON), Cappellari et al. (2011, ATLAS3D), Falcón-Barroso et al. (2017,
CALIFA), van
de Sande et al. (2017, SAMI) and Westfall et al. (2019, MaNGA) for some ever-increasing
large-scale applications of the pPXF method to the measurement of the
stellar or gas kinematics of galaxies.
4.2 Libraries of models for
stellar-population with
Figure 7:pPXF is the most accurate full-spectrum fitting method (and
the fastest too). In a detailed study, pPXF was found to
produce the smallest errors (compared to the known true values) and to
be significantly faster than all other full-spectrum fitting codes (Woo et al. 2024, fig. 14).
pPXF is the most efficient, reliable and flexible implementation of
the “Full-Spectrum Fitting” method to study stellar populations (see Figure 7). This technique has
effectively rendered the traditional line-strength indices obsolete,
facilitated by the development of high-quality spectral models. pPXF was
designed to be independent on any specific set of stellar-population
models and has already been used with nearly every available one. Here
is an incomplete list of stellar population models that were used with
pPXF allows one to extract multiple kinematic components, with
different stellar populations, from a spectrum. Gas emission lines can
be fitted simultaneously, avoiding the need for masking them. This is
particularly useful when studying the stellar population of galaxies
with prominent emission lines (e.g., the Balmer lines) filling important
absorption features (see Figure 6).
Please also cite the source of the stellar population models
HERE if you use pPXF
with any of the included libraries of spectral templates.
4.3 Libraries of stellar templates
for stars/gas kinematics with
The ability of the pPXF method to fit a large set of stellar
templates together with the kinematics allows the template mismatch
problem to be virtually eliminated. This is particularly useful given
the current availability of large stellar libraries spanning wide ranges
of physical parameters and having good spectral resolution. Excellent
results have been obtained by using a few hundred template stars with
pPXF, from which generally about 10-20 are selected by the program to
provide detailed fits to high S/N galaxy spectra. An incomplete list of
libraries that have been successfully used with pPXF for the kinematics
extraction is given below:
Ca II triplet : 706 stars
covering the region from 8348 – 9020 Å at a spectral resolution of 1.5
Å (FWHM), σ ≈ 22 km/s, R ≈ 5700. From Cenarro et al. (2001)
ELODIE: 1388 stars
covering the region from 4000 – 6800 Å at a spectral resolution of 0.5
Å (FWHM), σ ≈ 13 km/s, R ≈ 10, 000. From Prugniel & Soubiran (2001)
MILES Library of Stellar
Spectra: 985 well-calibrated stars covering the region from 3525 –
7500 Å at a spectral resolution of 2.51
Å (FWHM), σ ≈ 64 km/s,
R ≈ 2000. From Sánchez-Blázquez et
al. (2006) and Falcón-Barroso et al. (2011)
MaStar Stellar
Library: 10K well-calibrated stars covering the region from 3,622 –
10,354 Å at a spectral resolution of 3.5 Å (FWHM), σ ≈ 70 km/s, R ≈ 1800. From Yan et al. (2019).
X-Shooter Spectral Library:
683 stars covering three segments from 3,000 – 24,500 Å at a spectral
resolution with σ ≈ 13 km/s,
R ≈ 10, 000. From Verro et al. (2022b).
library of late spectral templates: 40 stars with a range of CO
equivalent widths, covering the K-band region from 2.18 – 2.43 μm at a spectral resolution of 3.4
Å (FWHM), σ ≈ 19 km/s, R ≈ 6600. From Winge et al. (2009)
synthetic library of stellar spectra covering the
wavelength region from 1300 Å to 20 μm at a spectral resolution of σ ≈ 6.4 km/s, R ≈ 20, 000. This is not as reliable
as an empirical stellar library but it can be very useful in special
situations, due to the wide wavelength coverage and high spectral
resolution. From Gustafsson et al. (2008)
synthetic library of stellar spectra covering the
wavelength region from 2500 Å to 1.05 μm at a spectral resolution of σ ≈ 6.4 km/s, R ≈ 20, 000. The same caveats and
advantages apply to this synthetic library as to the previous one. From
Munari et al. (2005)
4.4 The package in
The source code of the ppxf package, with examples and
instructions, is on the Python
Package Index .
How to install: Use pip install ppxf.
Without write access to the global site-packages
directory, use pip install --user ppxf.
Usage examples: Jupyter
Notebooks ppxf examples are available HERE. Python
examples are in the directory “examples” inside the main
ppxf package folder inside site-packages.
The User Manual: The detailed user manual is HERE.
ppxf is written in pure Python and only requires the
scientific core packages NumPy, SciPy and
Matplotlib, and the examples use Astropy to read FITS data.
NOTE: I would appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail (address
at the bottom) when you download the above procedures.
5CapFit: Constrained Nonlinear
A Python package for efficient and robust constrained nonlinear
least-squares fitting
5.1 The Method
Figure 8:This is the kind of linearly-constrained non-linear least-squares
problems that CapFit is designed to solve. The contours
show the Rosenbrock
function, which is a popular benchmark for non-linear least-squares
methods. The magenta dot
is the unconstrained minimum; the red dot is the minimum subject to
the linear equality constraints (red line); the green dot is the minimum
subject to the linear inequality constraints (green triangle), while the
yellow dot satisfies both
the equality and inequality constraints. The white
line shows the feasible steps taken by CapFit
to reach the inequality constrained solution, starting from (x, y) = (−1.9, 1.7).
CapFit solves linearly-constrained (and some classes of
non-linearly-constrained) non-linear least-squares optimization
problems. It was designed to be extremely robust to degeneracy in the
Jacobian of the fitted function.
It supports linear inequality/equality constraints and bound
constraints. Additionally, parameters can be tied (enforcing non-linear
constraints) or fixed without modifying the fitting function.
CapFit implements Algorithm 2 of Cappellari (2023). It combines two
very successful ideas:
The Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP);
The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) method.
CapFit can be described as a Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm with constraints (which include simple bounds as a special
case). It is designed for situations where the user function is complex
and computationally expensive compared to the small quadratic
subproblem. CapFit generally outperforms the best
unconstrained or bound-constrained least-squares algorithms in terms of
robustness and number of function evaluations (Figure 8). Additionally, it supports
more general constraints.
Figure 9:Application of
CapFit to the fit of multiple gas emission line components
in a galaxy spectrum with pPXF. This fit optimizes eight
non-linear parameters while enforcing linear constraints to avoid
degeneracy in the model (Cappellari 2023,
fig. 2).
Figure 9 illustrates a relatively
complex real-world non-linear least-squares fit with
CapFit. It is an application of the software from within
pPXF (Section 4), which
uses it as its main optimization algorithm. The CapFit
procedure is also used for the nonlinear optimization of
MgeFit in Section 1
Fit the global kinematic position-angle of galaxies
6.1 The Method
Figure 10:Left Panel: Best fitting symmetrized kinematics at
the optimal position angle determined by PaFit.
Right Panel: The corresponding mock observed stellar
kinematics, with overlaid the best-fitting kinematic PA. The black dots
indicate the location where the kinematics was
This software implements the method presented in Appendix C of
Krajnović et al. (2006) to measure the
global kinematic position-angle (PA) from integral field observations of
a galaxy stellar or gas kinematics (Figure 10).
See Cappellari et
al. (2007), Krajnović et al. (2011) and
Graham et al. (2018) for large
scale applications of this software to the study of the stellar
kinematic misalignment of early-type galaxies. See Davor’s Krajnović
page for the related Kinemetry
NOTE: I would appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail (address
at the bottom) when you download PaFit.
7LtsFit: Robust Linear Regression with
Scatter in Arbitrary Dimension
Fit lines, planes, or hyperplanes to data with errors in all
variables, possible outliers and intrinsic scatter
7.1 The Method
Figure 11:Fitting of the (M/L)-σ
relation in the Virgo cluster using ltsfit(Cappellari et al.
2013b, fig. 16). The green outliers above the relation are
automatically removed from the fit. They turn out to be background
galaxies and for this reason they do not follow the cluster
This software implements the method presented in Sec. 3.2 of
Cappellari et al. (2013b) to perform
extremely robust fit of lines or planes to data with errors in all
variables, possible large outliers (bad data) and unknown intrinsic
The code combines the Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) robust technique,
proposed by Rousseeuw
(1984) and speeded up in Rousseeuw
& Van Driessen (2006), into a least-squares fitting algorithm
which allows for intrinsic scatter and errors in all coordinates. This
method makes the fit converge to the correct solution even in the
presence of numerous catastrophic outliers (like in Figure 11), where the much simpler σ-clipping approach can converge to
the wrong solution.
NOTE: I would appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail (address
at the bottom) when you download LtsFit.
8LOESS: Adaptive Smoothing in One or Two
Recover mean trends from noisy data in one or two
8.1 The Method
Figure 12:Application of the loess_2d routine (with
frac=0.6) to the recovery of two underlying functions from
a noisy distribution of 200 scattered values. For comparison, the right
panels show the distribution obtained via simple averaging on a grid,
but using 100× more values than the
ones used for the LOESS recovery. The LOESS approach achieves a
comparable result while requiring a much smaller number of input
This software provides an improved implementation of the
one-dimensional (Cleveland
1979) and two-dimensional (Cleveland
& Devlin 1988) Locally Weighted Regression (LOESS) method to
recover the mean trends of the population from noisy data in one or two
dimensions (Figure 12). It includes a robust approach
to deal with outliers (bad data).
These programs were implemented and used to produce the
two-dimensional maps and the one-dimensional mean trends in
Cappellari et al. (2013a).
Also required to run the 2D example is my plotbin package (automatically
installed by pip).
NOTE: I would appreciate it if you drop me an e-mail (address
at the bottom) when you download the code.
9AdaMet: Adaptive Metropolis for Bayesian
A Python package for efficient Bayesian analysis
9.1 The Method
Figure 13:Corner plot for the posterior of the model parameters obtained when
fitting the black hole mass in the galaxy NGC1277 using the
JAM modelling method and the AdaMet Bayesian
code (Krajnović et al. 2018,
fig. A1). The Python code to produce this figure is included
in the JamPy package in Section 2.
This AdaMet package is the implementation of
Cappellari et al. (2013b) of the Adaptive
Metropolis algorithm of Haario
(2001). In many real-world applications, it was found to be more
efficient and robust than the emcee approach,
whose warm-up phase scales linearly with the number of walkers (Figure 13).
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