The Galaxy Evolution Discussion Group talks take place once a week, currently Thursdays at 11:00 in the Beecroft Room of the Denys Wilkinson Building. They aim to foster exchange amongst local people interested in galaxy evolution, primarily but not exclusively through studies of nearby galaxies. As such, the talks should typically contain 30-40 minutes of material, but they are scheduled for an hour to allow plenty of interaction, questions, and discussion.
We are always on the look-out for new people, so if you would like to talk do not hesitate to contact us. We do have a small budget to support outside speakers.
Martin Bureau and John Magorrian
Time | Speaker | Topic |
5 October 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Enrico Corsini University of Padova |
Dark Matter Distribution in the Center of Barred Galaxies |
12 October 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez University of Central Lancashire |
Stellar Population Gradients in Early-Type Galaxies |
19 October 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
26 October 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
2 November 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Chris Moss Liverpool John Moores University |
Enhancement of Slow Galaxy-Galaxy Interactions and Mergers in the Cluster Infall Population |
9 November 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Lisa Young New Mexico Tech |
Cold gas in Hot Galaxies |
16 November 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Maria-Rosa Cioni Royal Observatory Edinburgh |
Star Formation History of the Magellanic Clouds
and Other Local Group Galaxies |
23 November 2006 (11:15 Beecroft) |
Chris Conselice University of Nottingham |
The Formation of Massive Galaxies at z < 1 |
30 November 2006 (11:00 Beecroft) |
Ryan Houghton University of Oxford |
When is a Black Hole not a BLack Hole? The Centre of M83 |
Previous terms:
Trinity 2006,
Hillary 2006,
Michaelmas 2005,
Trinity 2005,
Hilary 2005
Useful information: astrophysic,
other seminars,
This page was last modified on September 1 2006