Professor Michele Cappellari Homepage

pPXF VorBin
University of Oxford
Denys Wilkinson Building
Keble Road
Oxford Michele
Voronoi binned myself
Office 755 (top floor)
Phone: +44-1865-273-647
Synthetic CV: I obtained my PhD in astrophysics at the University of Padova. I was awarded a VENI Fellowship by NWO at the University of Leiden and both an Advanced Fellowship by STFC and a University Research Fellowship by the Royal Society, at the University of Oxford, where I am now a Professor of Astrophysics.

See my review on galaxy structure and evolution: Annual Review

Current Interests

In my work I am trying to understand how the galaxies were assembled using two complementary approaches. I am observing nearby objects, that can be analyzed in detail due to their vicinity, which contain the fossil record of billions of years of evolution. And I am observing the distant galaxies whose light reaches us after billions of years of travel through space. For this reason we can see them as they were when the Universe was young and the galaxies were still forming.

I was awarded the 2018 🏆 Tartufari International Prize for Astronomy by the Lincei Academy "for the profound effect on our knowledge of the structure of galaxies" achieved by my research using integral-field spectroscopy. For multiple years I have been included in the list of 🏆 Highly Cited Researchers "recognizing the true pioneers in their fields over the last decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year".

My work has progressed along the following lines of research:




Old pages

Prehistoric research pages and my Ph.D. thesis are still available here.
Last modified: 24/MAY/2024

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