These hints are mostly aimed towards Mac users, but may be useful on other platforms too.
(Although why you'd want to use something else is beyond me...)
Let's use Unix, but with style! :)
MacHint1 - TCSH Aliases
If you use the tcsh shell like me, then you might find it useful to
pass an arguement to an alias that you use often. For example, I
gifsicle to create animations from a series of
GIF images. The basic command would be:
X11> gifsicle --delay 10 --loopcount --colors 256 *gif > animation.gif
The alternative is to create an alias in your .tcshrc file such as this:
alias anim "gifsicle --delay 10 --loopcount --colors 256 \!:1 > \!:2"
...where \!:1 means "insert arguement 1 here" etc. So:
X11> anim *gif animation.gif
would achieve the same result as above. Of course, this is only particularly useful if you use that command a lot, but you get the idea...