NGC 4698
Michele Cappellari, Padova, 20 October 1998
Disk-Bulge Decomposition
Best-fit 2-D Disk-Bulge decomposition of NGC4698. Only the cuts
along the major and minor axes of the image (in black) and of the model
(dashed in red) are shown here. A seeing PSF with FWHM=1.2" has been adopted
in the modeling.
Enlargement of the central region of the previous plot. The major
and minor axis profiles (in black) agree exceptionally well, indicating
that the disk+bulge appear perfectly round within the inner ~20".
Same as previous plot, with superimposed the individual disk and bulge
components before the seeing convolution.
Difference image (Observed-Model in magnitudes) for the best-fit
2-D model shown in the previous plots. Note the systematic residuals, indicating
that the observations are not completely described by a disk+bulge with
perfectly elliptical isophotes.
More details on the exponential disk decomposition are found on This
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