Martin Bureau's Publication List
Refereed Publications
- The Spatially-resolved Star-formation Efficiencies of
Early-type Galaxies
Williams, T. G., Belfiore, F., Bureau, M., Barnes, A. T.,
Bigiel, F., Choi, W., Chown, R., Colombo, D., Dale, D. A.,
Davis, T. A., Elford, J. S., Gensior, J., Glover S. C. O.,
Groves, B., Klessen, R. S., Liang, F.-H., Pan, H.-A., Ruffa, I.,
Saito, T., Sanchez-Blazquez, P., Sarzi, M., & Schinnerer,
E. 2025, MNRAS, submitted
The GECKOS Survey: Identifying Kinematic
Sub-structures in Edge-on Galaxies
Fraser-McKelvie, A., van de Sande, J., Gadotti, D. A., Emsellem,
E., Brown, T., Fisher, D. B., Martig, M., Bureau, M., Gerhard,
O., Battisti, A. J., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Catinella, B., Combes,
F., Cortese, L., Croom, S. M., Davis, T. A., Falcon-Barroso, J.,
Fragkoudi, F., Freeman, K. C., Hayden, M. R., McDermid, R.,
Mazzilli Ciraulo, B., Mendel, J. T., Pinna, F., Poci, A.,
Rutherford, T. H., de Sa-Freitas, C., Silva-Lima, L. A.,
Valenzuela, L. M., van de Ven, G., Wang, Z., & Watts,
A. B. 2024, A&A, submitted
WISDOM Project - XXV. Star-formation Efficiencies
of Eight Early-type Galaxies and Bulges Observed with SITELLE
and ALMA
Lu, A., Haggard, D., Bureau, M., Gensior, J., Robert, C.,
Williams, T. G., Liang, F.-H., Choi, W., Davis, T. A., Ruffa,
I., Babic, S., Boyce, H., Cappellari, M., Cheung, B., Drissen,
L., Elford, J. S., Martin, T., Rhea, C., Rousseau-Nepton, L.,
Sarzi, M., & Zhang, H. 2024, MNRAS, submitted
WISDOM Project - XXIV. Cross-checking Supermassive
Black Hole Mass Estimates from ALMA CO Gas Kinematics and
SINFONI Stellar Kinematics in the Galaxy NGC4751
Dominiak, P., Cappellari, M., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A.,
Sarzi, M., Ruffa, I., Iguchi, S., Williams, T. G., & Zhang,
H. 2024, MNRAS, submitted
WISDOM Project - XXIII. Giant Molecular Clouds of
the Spiral Galaxy NGC5064: High Fraction of Retrograde Internal
Liu, L., Shu, F., Bureau, M., Onishi, K., Davis, T. A.,
Liang, F.-H., Choi, W., Williams, T. G., Lu, A., & Iguchi,
S. 2023, MNRAS, submitted
WISDOM Project - XXII. A 5% Precision CO-dynamical Supermassive
Black Hole Mass Measurement in the Galaxy NGC383
Zhang, H., Bureau, M., Ruffa, I., Cappellari, M., Davis,
T. A., Dominiak, P., Elford, J. S., Iguchi, S., Lelli, F.,
Sarzi, M., & Williams, T. G. 2025, MNRAS, 537, 520
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 9000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XXI. Giant Molecular Clouds in the Central
Region of the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC613: a Steep Size -
Linewidth Relation
Choi, W., Bureau, M., Liu, L., Cappellari, M., Davis,
T. A., Gensior, J., Liang, F.-H., Lu, A., Moon, S., Ruffa, I.,
Williams, T. G., & Chung, A. 2024, MNRAS, 531, 4045
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 3800 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XX. Strong Shear Tearing Molecular Clouds
Apart in NGC524
Lu, A., Haggard, D., Bureau, M., Gensior, J., Jeffreson,
S., Robert, C., Williams, T. G., Liang, F.-H., Choi, W., Davis,
T. A., Babic, S., Boyce, H., Cheung, B., Drissen, L., Elford,
J. S., Liu, L., Martin, T., Rhea, C., Rousseau-Nepton, L., &
Ruffa, I. 2024, MNRAS, 531 3888
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 8500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XIX. Figures of Merit for Supermassive Black
Hole Mass Measurements Using Molecular Gas and/or Megamaser
Zhang, H., Bureau, M., Smith, M. D., Cappellari, M.,
Davis, T. A., Dominiak, P., Elford, J. S., Liang, F.-H., Ruffa,
I., & Williams, T. G. 2024, MNRAS, 530, 3240
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 984 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The MASSIVE Survey - XIX. Molecular Gas Measurements of the
Supermassive Black Hole Masses in the Elliptical Galaxies
NGC1684 and NGC0997
Dominiak, P., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Ma, C.-P., Greene,
J. E., & Gu, M. 2024, MNRAS, 529, 1597
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 6600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XVI. The Link Between Circumnuclear Molecular
Gas Reservoirs and Active Galactic Nucleus Fuelling
Elford, J. S., Davis, T. A., Ruffa, I., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Gensior, J., Iguchi, S., Liang, F.-H., Liu, L.,
Lu, A., & Williams, T. G. 2024, MNRAS, 528, 319
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 636 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XVIII. Molecular Gas Distributions
and Kinematics of Three Megamaser Galaxies
Liang, F.-H., Smith, M. D., Bureau, M., Gao, F., Davis,
T. A., Cappellari, M., Elford, J. S., Greene, J. E., Iguchi, S.,
Lelli, F., Lu, A., Ruffa, I., Williams, T. G., & Zhang, H. 2024,
MNRAS, 527, 9343
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Fundamental Plane of Black Hole Accretion at Millimetre
Ruffa, I., Davis, T. A., Elford, J. S., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Gensior, J., Haggard, D., Iguchi, S., Lelli, F.,
Liang, F.-H., Liu, L., Sarzi, M., Williams, T. G., & Zhang,
H. 2024, MNRAS, 528, L76
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 430 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The WISDOM of Power Spectra: How the Galactic Gravitational Potential
Impacts a Galaxy's Central Gas Reservoir in Simulations and
Gensior, J., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Kruijssen, J. M. D.,
Cappellari, M., Ruffa, I., & Williams, T. G. 2023, MNRAS, 526, 5590
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XVII. Beam-by-beam Properties of
the Molecular Gas in Early-type Galaxies
Williams, T. G., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Cappellari,
M., Choi, W., Elford, J. S., Iguchi, S., Gensior, J., Liang,
F.-H., Lu, A., Ruffa, I., & Zhang, H. 2023, MNRAS, 525, 4270
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 21 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XIV. SMBH Masses in the
Early-type Galaxies NGC0612, NGC1574 and NGC4261 from CO
Dynamical Modelling
Ruffa, I., Davis, T. A., Cappellari, C., Bureau, M.,
Elford, J., Iguchi, S., Lelli, F., Liang, F.-H., Liu, L., Lu,
A., Sarzi, M., & Williams, T. G. 2023, MNRAS, 522, 6170
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 16 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XV. Giant Molecular Clouds in
the Central Region of the Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC5806
Choi, W., Liu, L., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davis,
T. A., Gensior, J., Liang, F.-H., Lu, A., Williams, T. G., &
Chung, A. 2023, MNRAS, 522, 4078
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 9 500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XII. Different Molecular Structure Populations
and Collision-driven Turbulence in the Dwarf Lenticular Galaxy
Liu, L., Bureau, M., Li, G.-X., Davis, T. A., Nguyen,
D. D., Liang, F.-H., Choi, W., Smith, M. R., & Iguchi, S. 2022,
MNRAS, 517, 632
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 16 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XIII. Feeding Molecular Gas to the Supermassive
Black Hole in the Starburst AGN-host Galaxy Fairall
Lelli, F., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Liu,
L., Ruffa, I., Smith, M. D., & Williams, T. G. 2022, MNRAS, 516,
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 11 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ALMaQUEST Survey. VIII. What Causes the Velocity Discrepancy
Between CO and Hα Rotation Curves in
Su, Y.-C., Lin, L., Pan, H.-A., Lopez Coba, C., Hsieh, B.-C.,
Sanchez, S. F., Thorp, M. D., Bureau, M., & Ellison,
S. 2022, ApJ, 934, 173
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 16 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - XI. Star Formation Efficiency in the Bulge of
the AGN-host Galaxy NGC3169 with SITELLE and ALMA
Lu, A., Boyce, H., Haggard, D., Bureau, M., Liang, F.-H.,
Liu, L., Choi, W., Cappellari, M., Chemin, L., Chevance, M.,
Davis, T. A., Drissen, L., Elford, J. S., Gensior, J.,
Kruijssen, J. M. D., Martin, T., Masse, E., Robert, C., Ruffa,
I., Rousseau-Nepton, L., Sarzi, M., Savard, G., & Williams,
T. G. 2022, MNRAS, 514, 5035
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 8900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - X. The Morphology of the Molecular ISM in Galaxy
Centres and its Dependence on Galaxy Structure
Davis, T. A., Gensior, J., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M.,
Choi, W., Elford, J. S., Kruijssen, J. M. D., Lelli, F., Liang,
F.-H., Liu, L., Ruffa, I., Saito, T., Sarzi, M., Schruba, A., &
Williams, T. G. 2022, MNRAS, 512, 1522
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5800 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Seventeenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys:
Complete Release of MaNGA, MaStar and APOGEE-2 Data
Abdurro'uf, ..., Bureau, M., ... (341 authors) 2022,
ApJS, 259, 35
(emulate ApJS, PDF, 5100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJS,
Electronic Edition.)
The AGN Fuelling/Feedback Cycle in Nearby Radio Galaxies -
IV. Molecular Gas Conditions and Jet-ISM Interaction in
Ruffa, I., Prandoni, I., Davis, T. A., Laing, R. A., Paladino,
R., Casasola, V., Parma, P., & Bureau, M. 2022, MNRAS,
510, 4485
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 6400 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Cross-checking SMBH Mass Estimates in NGC6958 - I. Stellar
Dynamics from Adaptive Optics-assisted MUSE Observations
Thater, S., Krajnovic, D., Weilbacher, P. M., Nguyen, D. D.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davis, T. A., Iguchi, S.,
McDermid, R., Onishi, K., Sarzi, M., & van de Ven, G. 2022,
MNRAS, 509, 5416
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 4000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
MBHBM* Project - II. Molecular Gas Kinematics in the Lenticular
Galaxy NGC3593 Reveal a Supermassive Black Hole
Nguyen, D. D., Bureau, M., Thater, S., Nyland, K., den
Brok, M., Cappellari, M., Davis, T. A., Greene, J. E., Neumayer,
N., Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Kawamuro, T., Baba, S., Nguyen,
P. M., Iguchi, S., Tsukui, T., Lam, N. T., & Ho, T. 2022, MNRAS,
509, 2920
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 15000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The HASHTAG Project: The First Submillimeter Images of the
Andromeda Galaxy from the Ground
Smith, M. W. L., Eales, S. A., Williams, T. G., Lee, B., Li, Z.,
Barmby, P., Bureau, M., Chapman, S., Cho, B. S., Chung,
A., Chung, E. J., Chung, H.-H., Clark, C. J. R., Clements,
D. L., Davis, T. A., De Looze, I., Eden, D. J., Athikkat-Eknath,
G., Ford, G. P., Gao, Y., Gear, W., Gomez, H. L., de Grijs, R.,
He, J., Ho, L. C., Hughes, T. M., Jiao, S., Li, Z., Kemper, F.,
Kirchschlager, F., Koch, E. W., Kong, A. K. H., Lee, C.-H., Lin,
E.-T., Mairs, S., Michalowski, M. J., Pattle, K., Peng, Y.,
Ragan, S. E., Rawlings, M. G., Rigopoulou, D., Saintonge, A.,
Schruba, A., Tang, X., Wang, J., Whitworth, A. P., Wilson,
C. D., Yim, K., & Zhu, M. 2021, ApJS, 257, 52
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - IX. Giant Molecular Clouds in the
Lenticular Galaxy NGC4429: Effects of Shear and Tidal Forces on
Liu, L., Bureau, M., Blitz, L., Davis, T. A., Onishi, K.,
Smith, M. D., North, E. V., & Iguchi, S. 2021, MNRAS, 505, 4048
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 12 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - VII. Molecular Gas Measurement
of the Supermassive Black Hole Mass in the Elliptical Galaxy
Smith, M. D., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Cappellari, M.,
Liu, L., Onishi, K., Iguchi, S., North, E. V., Sarzi, M., &
Williams, T. G. 2021, MNRAS, 503, 5984
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 3200 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - VIII. Multiscale Feedback in the Brightest
Cluster Galaxy NGC0708: Evidence for a Molecular
North, E. V., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M.,
Iguchi, S., Liu, L., Onishi, K., Sarzi, M., Smith, M. D., &
Williams, T. G. 2021, MNRAS, 503, 5179
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Evolution of NGC7465 as Revealed by its Molecular Gas
Young, L. M., Meier, D. S., Bureau, M., Crocker, A.,
Davis T. A., & Topal, S. 2021, ApJ, 909, 98
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 4200 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Erratum: The Evolution of NGC7465 as Revealed by its Molecular Gas
Young, L. M., Meier, D. S., Bureau, M., Crocker, A.,
Davis T. A., & Topal, S. 2022, ApJ, 937, 47
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 177 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The Evolution of Gas-phase Metallicity and Resolved
Abundances in Star-forming Galaxies from z ≈ 0.6 -
Gillman, S., Tiley, A. L., Swinbank, A. M., Dudzeviciute, U.,
Sharples, R. M., Smail, I., Harrison, C. M., Bunker, A.,
Bureau, M., Cirasuolo, M., Magdis, G. E., Mendel, T., &
Stott, J. P. 2021, MNRAS, 500, 4229
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5200 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - VI. Exploring the Relation Between Supermassive
Black Hole Mass and Galaxy Rotation with Molecular Gas
Smith, M. D., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Cappellari, M.,
Liu, L., Onishi, K., Iguchi, S., North, E. V., & Sarzi, M. 2021,
MNRAS, 500, 1933
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 14 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The AGN Fuelling/Feedback Cycle in Nearby Radio
Galaxies - III. 3D Relative Orientations of Radio Jets and CO
Discs and their Interaction
Ruffa, I., Laing, R. A., Prandoni, I., Paladino, R., Parma, P.,
Davis, T. A., & Bureau, M. 2020, MNRAS, 499, 5719
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5700 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
SDSS-IV MaNGA: The Indispensable Role of Bars in Enhancing the
Central Star Formation of Low-z Galaxies
Lin, L., Li, C., Du, C., Wang, E., Xiao, T., Bureau, M.,
Fraser-McKelvie, A., Masters, K., Lin, L., Wake, D., & Hao,
L. 2020, MNRAS, 499, 1406
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Revealing the Intermediate Mass Black Hole at the Heart of Dwarf
Galaxy NGC404 with Sub-parsec Resolution ALMA
Davis, T. A., Nguyen, D. D., Seth, A. C., Greene, J. E., Nyland,
K., Barth, A. J., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., den Brok,
M., Iguchi, S., Lelli, F., Liu, L., Neumayer, N., North, E. V.,
Onishi, K., Sarzi, M., Smith, M. D., & Williams, T. G. 2020,
MNRAS, 496, 4061
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 7400 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
K-CLASH: Strangulation and Ram Pressure Stripping in
Galaxy Cluster Members at 0.3 < z < 0.6
Vaughan, S. P., Tiley, A. L., Davies, R. L., Prichard, L. J.,
Croom, S. M., Bureau, M., Stott, J. P., Bunker, A.,
Cappellari, M., Ansarinejad, B., & Jarvis, M. 2020, MNRAS, 496,
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
JINGLE - IV. Dust, HI Gas and Metal Scaling Laws in the Local
De Looze, I., Lamperti, I., Saintonge, A., Relano, M., Smith,
M. W. L., Clark, C. J. R., Wilson, C. D., Decleir, M., Jones,
A. P., Kennicutt, R. C., Accurso, G., Brinks, E., Bureau,
M., Cigan, P., Clements, D. L., De Vis, P., Fanciullo, L.,
Gao, Y., Gear, W. K., Ho, L. C., Hwang, H. S., Michalowski,
M. J., Lee, J. C., Li, C., Lin, L., Liu, T., Lomaeva, M., Pan,
H.-A., Sargent, M., Williams, T., Xiao, T., & Zhu, M. 2020,
MNRAS, 496, 3668
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 7300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
K-CLASH: Spatially-resolving Star-forming Galaxies in Field and
Cluster Environments at z ≈ 0.2-0.6
Tiley, A. L., Vaughan, S. P., Stott, J. P., Davies, R. L.,
Prichard, L. J., Bunker, A., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M.,
Jarvis, M., Robotham, A., Cortese, L., Bellstedt, S., &
Ansarinejad, B. 2020, MNRAS, 496, 649
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2400 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys:
First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release
of eBOSS Spectra
Ahumada, R., ..., Bureau, M., ... (313 authors) 2020, ApJS,
249, 3
(emulate ApJS, PDF, 4500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJS,
Electronic Edition.)
The MBHBM Project. I. Measurement of the Central Black Hole
Mass in Spiral Galaxy NGC 3504 Using Molecular Gas
Nguyen, D. D., den Brok, M., Seth, A. C., Davis, T. A., Greene,
J. E., Cappellari, M., Jensen, J. B., Thater, S., Iguchi, S.,
Imanishi, M., Izumi, T., Nyland, K., Neumayer, N., Nakanishi,
K., Nguyen, P. M., Tsukui, T., Bureau, M., Onishi, K.,
Nguyen, Q. L., & Le, N. M. 2020, ApJ, 892, 68
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 14000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The HASHTAG Project - I. A Survey of CO(3-2) Emission from the
Star Forming Disc of M31
Li, Z., Li, Z., Smith, M. W. L., Wilson, C. D., Gao, Y., Eales,
S. A., Ao, Y., Bureau, M., Chung, A., Davis, T. A., de
Grijs, R., Eden, D. J., He, J., Hughes, T. M., Jiang, X.,
Kemper, F., Lamperti, I., Lee, B., Lee, C.-H., Michalowski,
M. J., Parsons, H., Ragan, S., Scicluna, P., Shi, Y., Tang, X.,
Tomicic, N., Viaene, S., Williams, T. G., & Zhu, M. 2020, MNRAS,
492, 195
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Estimating the Molecular Gas Mass of Low-redshift Galaxies from
a Combination of Mid-infrared Luminosity and Optical
Gao, Y., Xiao, T., Li, C., Jiang, X.-J., Tan, Q.-H., Gao, Y.,
Wilson, C. D., Bureau, M., Saintonge, A.,
Sanchez-Gallego, J. R., Brown, T., Clark, C. J. R., Hwang,
H. S., Lamperti, I., Lin, L., Liu, L., Lu, D., Pan, H.-A., Sun,
J., & Williams, T. J. 2019, ApJ, 887, 172
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 4000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Testing the Tremaine-Weinberg Method Applied to Integral-field
Spectroscopic Data Using a Simulated Barred Galaxy
Zou, Y., Shen, J., Bureau, M., & Li, Z.-Y. 2019, ApJ,
884, 23
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 1500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The AGN Fuelling/Feedback Cycle in Nearby Radio Galaxies -
II. Kinematics of the Molecular Gas
Ruffa, I., Davis, T. A., Prandoni, I., Laing, R. A., Paladino,
R., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H., Casasola, V., Bureau, M., &
Warren, J. 2019, MNRAS, 489, 3739
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - V. Resolving Molecular Gas in Keplerian
Rotation Around the Supermassive Black Hole in
North, E. V., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M.,
Iguchi, S., Liu, L., Onishi, K., Sarzi, M., Smith, M. D., &
Williams T. G. 2019, MNRAS, 490, 319
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 3200 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
SIGNALS - I. Survey Description
Rousseau-Nepton, L., Martin, R. P., Robert, C., Drissen, L.,
Amram, P., Prunet, S., Martin, T., Moumen, I., Adamo, A.,
Alarie, A., Barmby, P., Boselli, A., Bresolin, F., Bureau,
M., Chemin, L., Fernandes, R. C., Combes, F., Crowder, C.,
Della Bruna, L., Duarte Puertas, S., Egusa, F., Epinat, B.,
Ksoll, V. F., Girard, M., Gomez Llanos, V., Gouliermis, D.,
Grasha, K., Higgs, C., Hlavacek-Larrondo, J., Ho, I.-T.,
Iglesias-Paramo, J., Joncas, G., Kam, Z. S., Karera, P.,
Kennicutt, R. C., Klessen, R. S., Lianou, S., Liu, L., Lui, Q.,
Luiz de Amorim, A., Lyman, J. D., Martel, H., Mazzilli-Ciraulo,
B., McLeod, A. F., Melchior, A.-L., Millan, I., Molla, M.,
Momose, R., Morisset, C., Pan, H.-A., Pati, A. K., Pellerin, A.,
Pellegrini, E., Perez, I., Petric, A., Plana, H., Rahner, D.,
Ruiz Lara, T., Sanchez-Menguiano, L., Spekkens, K., Stasinska,
G., Takamiya, M., Vale Asari, N., & Vilchez, J. M. 2019, MNRAS,
489, 5530
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
JINGLE - V. Dust Properties of Nearby Galaxies Derived from
Hierarchical Bayesian SED Fitting
Lamperti, I., Saintonge, A., De Looze, I., Accurso, G., Clark,
C. J. R., Smith, M. W. L., Wilson, C. D., Brinks, E., Brown, T.,
Bureau, M., Clements, D. L., Eales, S., Glass, D. H. W.,
Hwang, H. S., Lee, J. C., Lin, L., Michalowski, M. J., Sargent,
M., Williams, T. G., Xiao, T., & Yang, C. 2019, MNRAS,
489, 4389
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 4200 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Energetics of Starburst-driven Outflows at z≈1 from
Swinbank, A. M., Harrison, C. M., Tiley, A. L., Johnson, H. L.,
Smail, I., Stott, J. P., Best, P. N., Bower, R. G., Bureau,
M., Bunker, A., Cirasuolo, M., Jarvis, M., Magdis, G. E.,
Sharples, R. M., & Sobral, D. 2019, MNRAS, 487, 381
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
JINGLE, a JCMT Legacy Survey of Dust and Gas for
Galaxy Evolution Studies - II. SCUBA-2 850 μm Data Reduction
and Dust Flux Density Catalogues
Smith, M. W. L., Clark, C. J. R., De Looze, I., Lamperti, I.,
Saintonge, A., Wilson, C. D., Accurso, G., Brinks, E.,
Bureau, M., Chung, E. J., Cigan, P. J., Clements, D. L.,
Dharmawardena, T., Fanciullo, L., Gao, Y., Gao, Y., Gear, W. K.,
Gomez, H. L., Greenslade, J., Hwang, H. S., Kemper, F., Lee,
J. C., Li, C., Lin, L., Liu, L., Molnar, D. C., Mok, A., Pan,
H.-A., Sargent, M., Scicluna, P., Smith, C. M. A., Urquhart, S.,
Williams, T. G., Xiao, T., Yang, C., & Zhu, M. 2019, MNRAS,
486, 4166
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - IV. A Molecular Gas Dynamical Measurement of
the Supermassive Black Hole Mass in NGC524
Smith, M. D., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Cappellari, M.,
Liu, L., Onishi, K., Iguchi, S., North, E. V., & Sarzi, M. 2019,
MNRAS, 485, 4359
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 8100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Shapes of the Rotation Curves of Star-forming Galaxies Over
the Last ≈10 Gyr
Tiley, A. L., Swinbank, A. M., Harrison, C. M., Smail, I.,
Turner, O. J., Schaller, M., Stott, J. P., Sobral, D., Theuns, T.,
Sharples, R. M., Gillman, S., Bower, R. G., Bunker, A. J., Best,
P., Richards, J., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cirasuolo, M.,
& Magdis, G. 2019, MNRAS, 485, 239
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The AGN Fuelling/Feedback Cycle in Nearby Radio Galaxies -
I. ALMA Observations and Early Results
Ruffa, I., Prandoni, I., Laing, R., Paladino, R., Parma, P., de
Ruiter, H., Mignano, A., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., &
Warren, J. 2019, MNRAS, 484, 4239
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 6300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Dust Properties in the Cold and Hot Gas Phases of the
ATLAS3D Early-type Galaxies as Revealed by AKARI
Kokusho, T., Kaneda, H., Bureau, M., Suzuki, T., Murata,
K., Kondo, A., Yamagishi, M., Tsuchikawa, T., & Furuta, T.
2019, A&A, 622, 87
(emulate A&A, PDF, 467 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with A&A,
Electronic Edition.)
KROSS-SAMI: A Direct IFS Comparison of the Tully-Fisher Relation
Across 8 Gyr Since z≈1
Tiley, A. L., Bureau, M., Cortese, L., Harrison, C. M.,
Johnson, H. L., Stott, J. P., Swinbank, A. M., Smail, I.,
Sobral, D., Bunker, A. J., Glazebrook, K., Bower, R. G.,
Obreschkow, D., Bryant, J. J., Jarvis, M. J., Bland-Hawthorn,
J., Magdis, G., Medling, A. M., Sweet, S. M., Tonini, C.,
Turner, O. J., Sharples, R. M., Croom, S. M., Goodwin, M.,
Konstantopoulos, I. S., Lorente, N. P. F., Lawrence, J. S.,
Mould, J., Owers, M. S., & Richards, S. N. 2019, MNRAS, 482,
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 9200 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Effects of Galaxy Interactions on Molecular Gas
Pan, H.-A., Lin, L., Hsieh, B.-C., Xiao, T., Gao, Y., Ellison,
S. L., Scudder, J. M., Barrera-Ballesteros, J., Yuan, F.,
Saintonge, A., Wilson, C. D., Hwang, H. S., De Looze, I., Gao,
Y., Ho, L. C., Brinks, E., Mok, A., Brown, T., Davis, T. A.,
Williams, T. G., Chung, A., Parsons, H., Bureau, M.,
Sargent, M. T., Chung, E. J., Kim, E., Liu, T., Michalowski,
M. J., & Tosaki, T. 2018, ApJ, 868, 132
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 1800 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
JINGLE, a JCMT Legacy Survey of Dust and Gas for Galaxy
Evolution Studies - I. Survey Overview and First
Saintonge, A., Wilson, C. D., Xiao, T., Lin, L., Hwang, H. S.,
Tosaki, T., Bureau, M., Cigan, P. J., Clark, C. J. R.,
Clements, D. L., De Looze, I., Dharmawardena, T., Gao, Y., Gear,
W. K., Greenslade, J., Lamperti, I., Lee, J. C., Li, C.,
Michalowski, M. J., Mok, A., Pan, H.-A., Sansom, A. E., Sargent,
M., Smith, M. W. L., Williams, T., Yang, C., Zhu, M., Accurso,
G., Barmby, P., Brinks, E., Bourne, N., Chung, A., Chung, E. J.,
Cibinel, A., Coppin, K., Davies, J., Davis, T. A., Eales, S.,
Fanciullo, L., Fang, T., Gao, Y., Glass, D. H. W., Gomez, H. L.,
Greve, T., He, J., Ho, L. C., Huang, F., Jeong, H., Jiang, X.,
Jiao, Q., Kemper, F., Kim, J. H., Kim, M., Kim, T., Ko, J.,
Kong, X., Lacaille, K., Lacey, C. G., Lee, B., Lee, J. H., Lee,
W.-K., Masters, K., Oh, S.-H., Papadopoulos, P., Park, C., Park,
S.-J., Parsons, H., Rowlands, K., Scicluna, P., Scudder, J. M.,
Sethuram, R., Serjeant, S., Shao, Y., Sheen, Y.-K., Shi, Y.,
Shim, H., Smith, C. M. A., Spekkens, K., Tsai, A.-L., Verma, A.,
Violino, G., Viti, S., Wake, D., Wang, J., Wouterloot, J., Yang,
Y., Yim, K., Yuan, F., & Zheng, Z., 2018, MNRAS, 481, 3497
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 6500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
CO Tully-Fisher Relation of Star-forming Galaxies at z = 0.05 -
Topal, S., Bureau, M., Tiley, A. L., Davis, T. A., &
Torii, K. 2018, MNRAS, 479, 3319
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Shape of LOSVDs in Barred Disks: Implications for Future IFU
Li, Z.-Y., Shen, J., Bureau, M., Zhou, Y., Du, M., &
Debattista, V. P. 2018, ApJ, 854, 65
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 533 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS): The Origin
of Disc Turbulence in z≈1 Star-forming
Johnson, H. L., Harrison, C. M., Swinbank, A. M., Tiley, A. L.,
Stott, J. P., Bower, R. G., Smail, I., Bunker, A. J., Sobral,
D., Turner, O. J., Best, P., Bureau, M., Cirasuolo, M.,
Jarvis, M. J., Magdis, G., Sharples, R. M., Bland-Hawthorn, J.,
Catinella, B., Cortese, L., Croom, S. M., Federrath, C.,
Glazebrook, K., Sweet, S. M., Bryant, J. J., Goodwin M.,
Konstantopoulos, I. S., Lawrence, J. S., Medling, A. M., Owers,
M. S., & Richards S. 2018, MNRAS, 474, 5076
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 4400 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - III. Molecular Gas Measurement of the
Supermassive Black Hole Mass in the Barred Lenticular Galaxy
Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Onishi, K., van de Voort, F.,
Cappellari, M., Iguchi, S., Liu, L., North, E. V., Sarzi, M., &
Smith, M. D. 2018, MNRAS, 473, 3818
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 4000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
A Star Formation Study of the ATLAS3D Early-type
Galaxies with the AKARI All-sky Survey
Kokusho, T., Kaneda, H., Bureau, M., Suzuki, T., Murata,
K., Kondo, A., & Yamagishi, M. 2017, A&A, 605, 74
(emulate A&A, PDF, 11 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with A&A,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - II. Molecular Gas Measurement of the
Supermassive Black Hole Mass in NGC4697
Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Onishi, K., Cappellari, M.,
Iguchi, S., & Sarzi, M. 2017, MNRAS, 468, 4675
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1700 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
WISDOM Project - I. Black Hole Mass Measurement Using Molecular
Gas Kinematics in NGC3665
Onishi, K., Iguchi, S., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Blitz, L., & Sarzi, M. 2017, MNRAS, 468, 4663
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS): Rotational
Velocities and Angular Momentum of z≈0.9 Galaxies
Harrison, C. M., Johnson, H. L., Swinbank, A. M., Stott, J. P.,
Bower, R. G., Smail, I., Tiley, A. L., Bunker, A. J., Cirasuolo,
M., Sobral, D., Sharples, R. M., Best, P., Bureau, M.,
Jarvis, M. J., & Magdis, G. 2017, MNRAS, 467, 1965
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Star Formation in Nearby Early-type Galaxies: The Radio
Continuum Perspective
Nyland, K., Young, L. M., Wrobel, J. M., Davis, T. A., Bureau,
M., Alatalo, K., Morganti, R., Duc, P.-A., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
McDermid, R. M., Khochfar, S., Crocker, A. F., & Oosterloo,
T. 2017, MNRAS, 464, 1029
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 23 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Large-scale Filamentary Structures around the Virgo Cluster
Kim, S., Rey, S.-C., Bureau, M., Yoon, H., Chung, A.,
Jerjen, H., Lisker, T., Jeong, H., Sung, E.-C., Lee, Y., Lee,
W., & Chung, J. 2016, ApJ, 833, 207
(PDF, 3600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The Growth of the Central Region by Acquisition of
Counter-rotating Gas in Star-forming Galaxies
Chen, Y.-M., Shi, Y., Tremonti, C. A., Bershady, M., Merrifield,
M., Emsellem, E., Jin, Y.-F., Huang, S., Fu, H., Wake, D. A.,
Bundy, K., Stark, D., Lin, L., Argudo-Fernandez, M., Storchi
Bergmann, T., Bizyaev, D., Brownstein, J., Bureau, M., Chisholm,
J., Drory, N., Guo, Q., Hao, L., Hu, J., Li, C., Li, R., Roman
Lopes, A., Pan, K.-K., Riffel, R. A., Thomas, D., Wang, L.,
Westfall, K., & Yan, R.-B. 2016, Nature Communications, 7,
(PDF, 799 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Nature
Communications online.)
Molecular Gas Kinematics and Line Diagnostics in
Early-type Galaxies: NGC4710 & NGC5866
Topal, S., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Krips, M., Young,
L. M., & Crocker, A. F. 2016, MNRAS, 463, 4121
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 13 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Tully-Fisher Relation of COLD GASS Galaxies
Tiley, A. L., Bureau, M., Saintonge, A., Topal, S.,
Davis, T. A., & Torii, K. 2016, MNRAS, 461, 3494
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey
(KROSS): The Tully-Fisher Relation at z≈1
Tiley, A. L., Stott, J. P., Swinbank, A. M., Bureau, M.,
Harrison, C. M., Bower, R., Johnson, H. L., Bunker, A. J.,
Jarvis, M. J., Magdis, G., Sharples, R., Smail, I., Sobral, D.,
& Best, P. 2016, MNRAS, 460, 103
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXXI. Nuclear Radio Emission in
Nearby Early-type Galaxies
Nyland, K., Young, L. M., Wrobel, J. M., Sarzi, M., Morganti,
R., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T.,
Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans, A. 2016, MNRAS, 458, 2221
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS): Dynamical
Properties, Gas and Dark Matter Fractions of Typical z≈1
Star-forming Galaxies
Stott, J. P., Swinbank, A. M., Johnson, H. L., Tiley, A.,
Magdis, G., Bower, R., Bunker, A. J., Bureau, M.,
Harrison, C. M., Jarvis, M. J., Sharples, R., Smail, I., Sobral,
D., Best, P., & Cirasuolo, C. 2016, MNRAS, 457, 1888
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1700 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
On the Depletion and Accretion Timescales of Cold Gas in Local
Early-type Galaxies
Davis, T. A., & Bureau, M. 2016, MNRAS, 457, 272
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 241 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
KROSS: Mapping the Hα Emission across the Star-formation
Sequence at z≈1
Magdis, G. E., Bureau, M., Stott, J. P., Tiley, A.,
Swinbank, A. M., Bower, R., Bunker, A. J., , Jarvis, M.,
Johnson, H., & Sharples, R. 2016, MNRAS, 456, 4533
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1800 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Evidence of Boosted 13CO/12CO Ratio in
Early-type Galaxies from CARMA
Alatalo, K., Crocker, A. F., Aalto, S., Davis, T. A., Bureau,
M., Duc, P.-A., Krajnovic, D., Nyland, K., & Young,
L. M. 2015, MNRAS, 450, 3874
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 363 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Giant Molecular Clouds in the Early-type Galaxy NGC4526
Utomo, D., Blitz, L., Davis, T. A., Rosolowsky, E., Bureau,
M., Cappellari, M., & Sarzi, M. 2015, ApJ, 803, 16
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 2600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXX. Star Formation Histories
and Stellar Population Scaling Relations for Early-type
McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies,
R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Morganti, R., Naab,
T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans,
A.-M., & Young, L. M. 2015, MNRAS, 448, 3484
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 4500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXIX. The New Look of
Early-type Galaxies and Surrounding Fields Disclosed by
Extremely Deep Optical Images
Duc, P.-A., Cuillandre, J.-C., Karabal, E., Cappellari, M.,
Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bournaud, F., Bureau,
M., Crocker, A. F., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner,
H., McDermid, R. M., Michel-Dansac, L., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Paudel, S., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P.,
Weijmans, A.-M., & Young, L. M. 2015, MNRAS, 446, 120
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 20 000 kb.)
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Electronic Edition.)
Connection Between Dynamically-derived IMF
Normalisation and Stellar Population Parameters
McDermid, R. M., Cappellari, M., Alatalo, K., Bayet, E., Blitz,
L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Crocker, A. F.,
Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A.,
Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N.,
Serra, P., Weijmans, A.-M., & Young, L. M. 2014, ApJ,
792, L37
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 2500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXVIII. Dynamically-driven Star
Formation Suppression in Early-type Galaxies
Davis, T. A., Young, L. M., Crocker, A. F., Bureau, M.,
Blitz, L., Alatalo, K., Emsellem, E., Naab, T., Bayet, E., Bois,
M., Bournaud, F., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott,
N., Serra, P., & Weijmans, A. M. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3427
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 761 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXVII. Cold Gas and the
Colors and Ages of Early-type Galaxies
Young, L. M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Alatalo, K., Bayet, E.,
Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Crocker, A., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., & Weijmans, A.-M. 2014, MNRAS,
444, 3408
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXVI. HI Discs in Real and
Simulated Fast and Slow Rotators
Serra, P., Oser, L., Krajnovic, D., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T.,
Morganti, R., Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E., Young, L. M., Blitz,
L., Davis, T. A., Duc, P.-A., Hirschmann, M., Weijmans, A.-M.,
Alatalo, K., Bayet, E., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau,
M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Khochfar, S.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Sarzi, M., &
Scott, N. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3388
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5200 kb.)
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Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXV. Two-dimensional Kinematic
Analysis of Simulated Galaxies and the Cosmological Origin of
Fast and Slow Rotators
Naab, T., Oser, L., Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Krajnovic, D.,
McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K., Bayet, E., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Crocker, A., Davies, R. L.,
Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Hirschmann, M.,
Johansson, P. H., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H., Morganti, R.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., van de Venn, G.,
Weijmans, A.-M., & Young, L. M. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3357
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 35 000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXIV. The Intrinsic Shape
Distribution of Early-type Galaxies
Weijmans, A.-M., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud,
F., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies,
R. L., Davis, T. A., Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi,
M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Verdoes Kleijn, G., & Young,
L. M. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3340
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1300 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
NGC1266 as a Local Candidate for Rapid Cessation of Star
Alatalo, K., Nyland, K. E., Graves, G., Deustua, S., Shapiro
Griffin, K., Duc, P.-A., Cappellari, M., McDermid, R. M., Davis,
T. A., Crocker, A. F., Young, L. M., Chang, P., Scott, N.,
Cales, S., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M.,
Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Serra, P., & Weijmans, A.-M. 2014,
ApJ, 780, 186
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 1600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Molecular Gas Properties of the Giant Molecular Cloud
Complexes in the Arms and Inter-arms of the Spiral Galaxy
Topal, S., Bayet, E., Bureau, M., Walsh, W., Davis, T. A.
2014, MNRAS, 437, 1434
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Detection of a High Brightness Temperature Radio Core in the
AGN-driven Molecular Outflow Candidate NGC1266
Nyland, K., Alatalo, K., Wrobel, J. M., Young, L. M., Morganti,
R., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Deustua, S., & Bureau,
M. 2013, ApJ, 779, 173
(emulate ApJ, PDF, 947 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
A Herschel-ATLAS Study of Dusty Spheroids: Probing
the Minor-merger Process in the Local Universe
Kaviraj, S., Rowlands, K., Alpaslan, M., Dunne, L., Ting, Y. S.,
Bureau, M., Shabala, S., Lintott, C. J.,
Smith, D. J. B., Agius, N., Auld, R., Baes, M., Bourne, N.,
Cava, A., Clements, D. L., Cooray, A., Dariush, A., De Zotti,
G., Driver, S. P., Eales, S., Hopwood, R., Hoyos, C., Ibar, E.,
Maddox, S., Michalowski, M. J., Sansom A. E., Smith, M., Valiante,
E. 2013, MNRAS, 435, 1463
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 458 kb.)
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Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXIII. Angular Momentum and Nuclear
Surface Brightness Profiles
Krajnovic, D., Karick, A. M., Davies, R. L., Naab, T., Sarzi,
M., Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Serra, P., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Scott, N., McDermid, R. M., Weijmans, A.-M., Davis, T. A.,
Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau,
M., Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H., Morganti, R.,
Oosterloo, T., & Young, L. M. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 2812
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1700 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
ISM Chemistry in High Metallicity Environments: Molecular
Tracers of Metallicity
Davis, T. A., Bayet, E., Crocker, A. F., Topal, S., & Bureau,
M. 2013, MNRAS, 433, 1659
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 474 kb.)
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Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXII. Low-efficiency Star
Formation in Early-type Galaxies: Hydrodynamic Models and
Martig, M., Crocker, A. F., Bournaud, F., Emsellem, E., Gabor,
J. M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., Dekel, A., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Falcon-Barroso, J., Khochfar, S.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P.,
Shapiro Griffin, K., Teyssier, R., Weijmans, A.-M., & Young,
L. M. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1914
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 785 kb.)
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Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XXI. Correlations Between
Gradients of Local Escape Velocity and Stellar Populations in
Early-type Galaxies
Scott, N., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Verdoes Kleijn, G.,
Bois, M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bournaud, F., Bureau,
M., Crocker, A. F., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc,
P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner,
K., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T.,
Sarzi, M., Serra, P., Weijmans, A.-M., & Young, L. M. 2013,
MNRAS, 432, 1894
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 4400 kb.)
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Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XX. Mass-size and Mass-σ
Projections of the Virial Plane of Early-type Galaxies:
Variation of Morphology, Kinematics, Mass-to-light Ratio and
Stellar Initial Mass Function
Cappellari, M., McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois,
M., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies,
R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Morganti, R., Naab,
T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans,
A.-M., & Young, L. M. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1862
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XIX. The Hot-gas Content of
Early-type Galaxies: Fast versus Slow Rotators
Sarzi, M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies,
R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y.,
McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Scott,
N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2013, MNRAS,
432, 1845
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XVIII. CARMA CO Imaging Survey of
Early-type Galaxies
Alatalo, K., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Young, L. M.,
Blitz, L., Crocker, A. F., Bayet, E., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A.,
Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans,
A. M. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1796
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 8900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XVII. Linking Photometric and
Kinematic Signatures of Stellar Discs in Early-type
Krajnovic, D., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A.,
& Young, L. M. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1768
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1400 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XVI. Physical Parameters and
Spectral Line Energy Distributions of the Molecular Gas in
Gas-rich Early-type Galaxies
Bayet, E., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Young, L. M.,
Crocker, A. F., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A.,
Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans,
A. M. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1742
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XV. Benchmark for Early-type
Galaxies Scaling Relations from 260 Dynamical Models:
Mass-to-light Ratio, Dark Matter, Fundamental Plane and Virial
Cappellari, M., Scott, N., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies, R. L.,
Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M.,
Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Serra, P.,
Weijmans, A.-M., & Young, L. M. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1709
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 7600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The EGNoG Survey: Molecular Gas in Intermediate-redshift
Star-forming Galaxies
Bauermeister, A., Blitz, L., Bolatto, A., Bureau, M.,
Leroy, A., Ostriker, E., Teuben, P., Wong, T., & Wright,
M. 2013, ApJ, 768, 132
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
A Black Hole Mass Measurement from Molecular Gas
Kinematics in NGC4526
Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Sarzi, M.,
& Blitz, L. 2013, Nature, 494, 328
(Access the paper directly with Nature,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XIV. The Extent and Kinematics of
Molecular Gas in Early-type Galaxies
Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Scott, N.,
Young, L. M., Blitz, L., Crocker, A. F., Bayet, E., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y.,
McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M.,
Serra, P., & Weijmans, A. M. 2013, MNRAS, 429, 534
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 7600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Discovery of a Giant HI Tail in the Galaxy Group
Serra, P., Koribalski, B., Duc, P.-A., Oosterloo, T., McDermid,
R. M., Michel-Dansac, L., Emsellem, E., Cuillandre, J.-C.,
Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau,
M., Cappellari, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies, R. L., Davis,
T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner,
H., Lablanche, P.-Y., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Sarzi, M., Scott,
N., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2013, MNRAS, 428, 370
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 5700 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The EGNoG Survey: Gas Excitation in Normal Galaxies
at z=0.3
Bauermeister, A., Blitz, L., Bolatto, A., Bureau, M., Teuben,
P., Wong, T., & Wright, M. 2013, ApJ, 763, 64
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 856 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Secular Evolution in Action: Central Values and
Radial Trends in the Stellar Populations of Boxy
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Kuntschner, H. 2012,
MNRAS, 427, 99
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 275 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Gemini GMOS and WHT SAURON Integral-field Spectrograph
Observations of the AGN-driven Outflow in NGC1266
Davis, T. A., Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M., Bureau, M.,
Sarzi, M., Alatalo, K., Bayet, E., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Cappellari, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies, R. L., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A., & Young,
L. M. 2012, MNRAS, 426, 1574
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XII. Recovery of the Mass-to-light
Ratio of Simulated Early-type Barred Galaxies with Axisymmetric
Dynamical Models
Lablanche, P.-Y., Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E., Bournaud, F.,
Michel-Dansac, L., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bureau,
M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid,
R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N.,
Serra, P., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2012, MNRAS, 424, 1495
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 7700 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
SAURON Project - XXI. The Spatially-resolved UV-line Strength
Relations of Early-type Galaxies
Jeong, H., Yi, S. K., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., Bacon,
R., Cappellari, M., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid,
R. M., Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M., van den Bosch, R. C. E., &
van de Ven, G. 2012, MNRAS, 423, 1921
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Galaxy Zoo: Dust and Molecular Gas in Early-type Galaxies
with Prominent Dust Lanes
Kaviraj, K., Ting, Y. S., Bureau, M., Shabala, S. S.,
Crockett, R. M., Silk, J., Lintott, C., Smith, A., Keel, W. C.,
Masters, K. L., Schawinski, K., & Bamford, S. P. 2012, MNRAS,
423, 49
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1700 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XIII. Mass and Morphology of HI in
Early-type Galaxies as a Function of Environment
Serra, P., Oosterloo, T., Morganti, R., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L.,
Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M.,
Crocker, A. F., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Naab, T.,
Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Trager, S. C., Weijmans, A., & Young,
L. M. 2012, MNRAS, 422, 1835
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 11 Mb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The HI
Environment of Counter-rotating Gas Hosts: Gas Accretion from
Cold Gas Blobs
Chung, A., Bureau, M., van Gorkom, J. H., & Koribalski,
B. 2012, MNRAS, 422, 1083
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1800 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
A Systematic Variation of the Stellar Initial Mass
Function in Early-type Galaxies
Cappellari, M., McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies, R. L.,
Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A.,
& Young, L. M. 2012, Nature, 484, 485
(Emulate Nature, PDF, 2900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Nature,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - XI. Dense Molecular Gas Properties of
CO-luminous Early-type Galaxies
Crocker, A. F., Krips, M., Bureau, M., Young, L. M.,
Davis, T. A., Bayet, E., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., &
Weijmans, A. 2012, MNRAS, 421, 1298
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 592 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - XX. The Spitzer [3.6]-[4.5] Colour in
Early-type Galaxies: Colours, Colour Gradients and Inverted
Scaling Relations
Peletier, R. F., Kutdemir, E., van der Wolk, G., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R. M., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Shapiro, K. L., van den
Bosch, R. C. E., & van de Ven, G. 2012, MNRAS, 419, 2031
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 18 Mb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - XIX. Optical and Near-infrared Scaling
Relations of Nearby Elliptical, Lenticular and Sa
Falcon-Barroso, J., van de Ven, G., Peletier, R. F., Bureau,
M., Jeong, H., Bacon, R., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R. M., Sarzi, M., Shapiro, K. L., van den Bosch,
R. C. E., van der Wolk, G., Weijmans, A., & Yi, S. K. 2011,
MNRAS, 417, 1787
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - X. On the Origin of the Molecular and
Ionised Gas in Early-type Galaxies
Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K., Sarzi, M., Bureau, M., Young,
L. M., Blitz, L., Serra, P., Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M.,
Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche,
P.-Y., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Scott, N., &
Weijmans, A. 2011, MNRAS, 417, 882
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 469 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - IX. The Merger Origin of a Fast and a
Slow Rotating Early-type Galaxy Revealed with Deep Optical
Imaging: First Results
Duc, P.-A., Cuillandre, J.-C., Serra, P., Michel-Dansac, L.,
Ferriere, E., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Weijmans, A.,
& Young, L. M. 2011, MNRAS, 417, 863
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2400 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - VIII. Modelling the Formation and
Evolution of Fast and Slow Rotator Early-type Galaxies within
Khochfar, S., Emsellem, E., Serra, P., Bois, M., Alatalo, K.,
Bacon, R., Blitz, L., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Duc, P.-A., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y.,
McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi,
M., Scott, N., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2011, MNRAS, 417, 845
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1100 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - VII. A New Look at the Morphology of
Nearby Galaxies: The Kinematic Morphology-density
Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M.,
Serra, P., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Weijmans, A., &
Young, L. M. 2011, MNRAS, 416, 1680
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - VI. Simulations of Binary Galaxy
Mergers and the Link with Fast Rotators, Slow Rotators, and
Kinematically-distinct Cores
Bois, M., Emsellem, E., Bournaud, F., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P.,
Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2011, MNRAS, 416, 1654
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 4500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Stellar Kinematics and Populations of Boxy Bulges:
Cylindrical Rotation and Vertical Gradients
Williams, M. J., Zamojski, M. A., Bureau, M., Kuntschner,
H., Merrifield, M. R., de Zeeuw, P. T., & Kuijken, K. 2011,
MNRAS, 414, 2163
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 762 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Discovery of an AGN-driven Molecular Outflow in the Local
Early-type Galaxy NGC1266
Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Young, L. M., Davis, T. A., Bureau,
M., Lopez, L. A., Cappellari, M., Scott, N., Crocker, A. F.,
Martin, S., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Serra, P., & Weijmans,
A. 2011, ApJ, 735, 88
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 445 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - XVIII. The Integrated UV-linestrength
Relations of Early-type Galaxies
Bureau, M., Jeong, H., Yi, S. K., Schawinski, K.,
Houghton, R. C. W., Davies, R. L., Bacon, R., Cappellari, M., de
Zeeuw, T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lee, Y.-W., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F.,
Sarzi, M., Sohn, Y.-J., Thomas, D., van den Bosch, R. C. E., & van
de Ven, G. 2011, MNRAS, 414, 1887
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 796 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - V. The CO Tully-Fisher Relation of
Early-type Galaxies
Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Young, L. M., Alatalo, K.,
Blitz, L., Cappellari, M., Scott, N., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid,
R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Serra,
P., & Weijmans, A. 2011, MNRAS, 414, 968
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 874 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - IV. The Molecular Gas Content of
Early-type Galaxies
Young, L. M., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Combes, F.,
McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y.,
Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N.,
Serra, P., & Weijmans, A. 2011, MNRAS, 414, 940
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 811 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - III. A Census of the Stellar Angular
Momentum within the Effective Radius of Early-type Galaxies:
Unveiling the Distribution of Fast and Slow Rotators
Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Krajnovic, D., Alatalo, K., Blitz,
L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L.,
Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., van de Ven, G.,
Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2011, MNRAS, 414, 888
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - II. Morphologies, Kinemetric Features and
Alignment Between Photometric and Kinematic Axes of Early-type
Krajnovic, D., Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Alatalo, K., Blitz,
L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L.,
Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A., &
Young, L. M. 2011, MNRAS, 414, 2923
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2000 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The ATLAS3D Project - I. A Volume-limited Sample of
260 Nearby Early-type Galaxies: Science Goals and Selection
Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M.,
Scott, N., Serra, P., Verdoes Kleijn, G. A., Young, L. M.,
Alatalo, K., Bacon, R., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y.,
Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., & Weijmans,
A. 2011, MNRAS, 413, 813
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 3500 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Early-type Galaxies
Crocker, A. F., Bureau, M., Young, L. M., & Combes,
F. 2011, MNRAS, 410, 1197
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 2900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
The Tully-Fisher Relations of Early-type Spiral and S0
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M. 2010,
MNRAS, 409, 1330
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 984 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
Molecular Gas in SAURON Early-type Galaxies: Detection of
13CO and HCN Emission
Krips, M., Crocker, A. F., Bureau, M., Combes, F.,
& Young, L. M. 2010, MNRAS, 407, 2261
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 254 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
Formation of Slowly Rotating Elliptical Galaxies via Major
Mergers: A Resolution Study
Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Emsellem, E., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P.,
Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2010, MNRAS, 406, 2405
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1800 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
The SAURON Project - XVI. On the Sources of Ionisation for
the Gas in Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies
Sarzi, M., Shields, J. C., Schawinski, K., Jeong, H., Shapiro,
K., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F., van den
Bosch, R. C. E., van den Ven, G., & Yi, S. K. 2010, MNRAS, 402,
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 1600 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Kinematic Constraints on the Stellar and Dark Matter Content
of Spiral and S0 Galaxies
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M. 2009,
MNRAS, 400, 1665
(emulate MNRAS, PDF, 7900 kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - XIII. SAURON-GALEX Study of Early-type
Galaxies: the Ultraviolet Colour-magnitude Relations and
Fundamental Planes
Jeong, H., Yi, S. K., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., van de Ven, G., Peletier, R. F., Bacon, R.,
Cappellari, M., de Zeeuw, T., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Sarzi, M., & van den Bosch,
R. C. E. 2009, MNRAS, 398, 2028
(emulate MNRAS, compressed PostScript, 4000 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the Red-sequence
Counter-rotating Disc Galaxy NGC4550
Crocker, A. F., Jeong, H., Komugi, S., Combes, F., Bureau,
M., Young, L. M., & Yi, S. 2009, MNRAS, 393, 1255
(emulate MNRAS, compressed PostScript, 1469 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
The Molecular Polar Disc in NGC2768
Crocker, A. F., Bureau, M., Young, L. M., & Combes,
F. 2008, MNRAS, 386, 1811
(emulate MNRAS, compressed PostScript, 7889 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS, Electronic
Structure and Kinematics of Molecular Disks in Fast-rotator
Early-type Galaxies
Young, L. M., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M. 2008, ApJ, 676, 317
(emulate ApJ, compressed PostScript, 3946 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ, Electronic
Optical BVI Imaging and HI Synthesis Observations of the
Dwarf Irregular Galaxy ESO364-G029
Kouwenhoven, M. B. N., Bureau, M., Kim, S., & de Zeeuw,
P. T. 2007, A&A, 470, 123
(emulate A&A format, PDF, 782 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with A&A, Electronic
The SAURON Project - X. The Orbital Anisotropy of
Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies: Revisiting the (V/σ,
ε) Diagram with Integral-field Stellar Kinematics
Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E., Bacon, R., Bureau, M.,
Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F., Sarzi,
M., van den Bosch, R. C. E., & van de Ven, G. 2007, MNRAS, 379,
(emulate MNRAS format, PDF, 5736 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - IX. A Kinematic Classification for
Early-type Galaxies
Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Krajnovic, D., van de Ven, G.,
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier,
R. F., & Sarzi, M. 2007, MNRAS, 379, 401
(emulate MNRAS format, PDF, 3338 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the SAURON Early-type
Combes, F., Young, L. M., & Bureau, M. 2007, MNRAS, 377, 1795
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 395 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Star Formation and Figure Rotation in the Early-type
Galaxy NGC2974
Jeong, H., Bureau, M., Yi, S. K., Krajnovic, D., &
Davies, R. L. 2007, MNRAS, 376, 1021
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 464 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Unveiling the Boxy Bulge and Bar of the Andromeda Spiral
Beaton, R. L., Majewski, S. R., Guhathakurta, P., Skrutskie,
M. F., Cutri, R. M., Good, J., Patterson, R. J., Athanassoula,
E., & Bureau, M. 2007, ApJL, 658, 91
(emulate ApJ format, PDF, 390 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - VIII. OASIS/CFHT Integral-field
Spectroscopy of Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxy
McDermid, R. M., Emsellem, E., Shapiro, K. L., Bacon, R.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Peletier, R. F., & Sarzi, M. 2006, MNRAS, 373, 906
(emulate MNRAS format, PDF, 31252 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Origin of the Counter-rotating Gas in NGC1596
Chung, A., Koribalski, B., Bureau, M., & van Gorkom,
J. H. 2006, MNRAS, 370, 1565
(emulate MNRAS format, PDF, 8321 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
K-band Observations of Boxy Bulges. I. Morphology and
Surface Brightness Profiles
Bureau, M., Aronica, G., Athanassoula, E., Dettmar, R.-J.,
Bosma, A., & Freeman, K. C. 2006, MNRAS, 370, 753
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 4547 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - VII. Integral-field Absorption and
Emission-line Kinematics of 24 Spiral Galaxy Bulges
Falcon-Barroso, J., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari,
M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Fathi, K.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F.,
& Sarzi, M. 2006, MNRAS, 369, 529
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 18094 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - VI. Line-strength Maps of 48
Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies
Kuntschner, H., Emsellem, E., Bacon, R., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F., & Sarzi,
M. 2006, MNRAS, 369, 497
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 5958 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Discovery of Counter-rotating Gas in the Galaxies NGC1596
and NGC3203 and the Incidence of Gas Counter-rotation in S0
Bureau, M., & Chung, A. 2006, MNRAS, 366, 182
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 632 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - V. Integral-field Emission-line
Kinematics of 48 Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies
Sarzi, M., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies,
R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., & Peletier,
R. F. 2006, MNRAS, 366, 1151
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 31182 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - IV. The Mass-to-light Ratio, the Virial Mass
Estimator and the Fundamental Plane of Elliptical and Lenticular
Cappellari, M., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Damen, M. C.,
Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier,
R. F., Sarzi, M., van den Bosch, R. C. E., & van de Ven,
G. 2006, MNRAS, 366, 1126
(emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 2773 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Chandra Fornax Survey - I: The Cluster Environment
Scharf, C. A., Zurek, D. R., & Bureau, M. 2005, ApJ, 633,
(AASTeX preprint format, compressed PostScript, 2004 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Bar Diagnostics in Edge-on Spiral Galaxies. III. N-body Simulations of Disks
Bureau, M., & Athanassoula, E. 2005, ApJ, 626, 159
(AASTeX preprint format, compressed PostScript, 695 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - III. Integral-field Absorption-line Kinematics of 48 Elliptical
and Lenticular Galaxies
Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Peletier, R. F., McDermid, R.,
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Miller, B. W., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2004, MNRAS, 352, 721
(Emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 7017 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Stellar Kinematics of Boxy Bulges: Large-scale Bars and Inner Disks
Chung, A., & Bureau, M. 2004, AJ, 127, 3192
(AASTeX preprint format, compressed PostScript, 1816 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Formation and Evolution of S0 Galaxies: A SAURON Case Study of NGC7332
Falcon-Barroso, J., Peletier, R. F., Emsellem, E., Kuntschner,
H., Fathi, K., Bureau, M., Bacon, R., Cappellari, M.,
Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., & de Zeeuw, T. 2004, MNRAS, 350, 35
(AASTeX preprint format, compressed PostScript, 908 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The Detailed Optical Light Curve of GRB030329
Lipkin, Y. M., Ofek, E. O., Gal-Yam, A., Leibowitz, E. M.,
Poznanski, D., Kaspi, S., Polishook, D., Kulkarni, S. R., Fox, D. W.,
Berger, E., Mirabal, N., Halpern, J., Bureau, M., Fathi, K.,
Price, P. A., Peterson, B. A., Frebel, A., Schmidt, B., Orosz, J. A.,
Fitzgerald, J. B., Bloom, J. S., van Dokkum, P. G., Bailyn, C. D.,
Buxton, M. M., & Barsony, M. 2004, ApJ, 606, 381
(Emulate ApJ format, compressed PostScript, 286 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
On the Spiral Structure of NGC2915 and Dark Matter
Masset, F. S., & Bureau, M. 2003, ApJ, 586, 152
(AASTeX preprint format, compressed PostScript, 2728 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
A SAURON Study of M32: Measuring the Intrinsic Flattening and the
Central Black Hole Mass
Verolme, E. K., Cappellari, M., Copin, Y., van der Marel, R. P., Bacon,
R., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., Miller, B. M., & de Zeeuw,
P. T. 2002, MNRAS, 335, 517
(Emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 537 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Environment, Ram Pressure, and Shell Formation in HoII
Bureau, M., & Carignan, C. 2002, AJ, 123, 1316
(AASTeX preprint format, compressed PostScript, 2019 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - II. Sample and Early Results
de Zeeuw, P. T., Bureau, M., Emsellem, E., Bacon, R., Carollo, C. M.,
Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Kuntschner, H., Miller, B. W., Monnet, G.,
Peletier, R. F., & Verolme, E. K. 2002, MNRAS, 329, 513
(Emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 1336 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
The SAURON Project - I. The Panoramic Integral-field Spectrograph
Bacon, R., Copin, Y., Monnet, G., Miller, B. W., Allington-Smith, J. R.,
Bureau, M., Carollo, C. M., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E.,
Kuntschner, H., Peletier, R. F., Verolme, E. K., & de Zeeuw, P. T.
2001, MNRAS, 326, 23
(Emulate MNRAS format, compressed PostScript, 2080 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with MNRAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Galaxy Mapping with the SAURON Integral-field Spectrograph:
The Star Formation History of NGC4365
Davies, R. L., Kuntschner, H. K., Emsellem, E., Bacon, R., Bureau,
M., Carollo, M. C., Copin, Y., Miller, B. W., Monnet, G., Peletier,
R. F., Verolme, E. K., de Zeeuw, P. T. 2001, ApJL, 548, L33
(ApJL format, compressed PostScript, 448 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJL,
Electronic Edition.)
The Shape and Figure Rotation of NGC2915's Dark Halo
Bureau, M., Freeman, K. C., Pfitzner, D. W., & Meurer,
G. R. 1999, AJ, 118, 2158
(AASTeX manuscript format, compressed PostScript, 4299 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Bar Diagnostics in Edge-on Spiral
Galaxies. II. Hydrodynamical Simulations
Athanassoula, E., & Bureau, M. 1999, ApJ, 522, 699
(AASTeX manuscript format, compressed PostScript, 1855 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
Bar Diagnostics in Edge-on Spiral Galaxies. I. The Periodic
Orbits Approach
Bureau, M., & Athanassoula, E. 1999, ApJ, 522, 686
(AASTeX manuscript format, compressed PostScript, 501 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ApJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The Nature of Boxy/Peanut-shaped Bulges in Spiral Galaxies
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C. 1999, AJ, 118, 126
(AASTeX manuscript format, compressed PostScript, 890 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AJ,
Electronic Edition.)
FCC35 and its HI Companion: Multi-wavelength Observations
and Interpretation
Putman, M. E., Bureau, M., Mould, J. R., Staveley-Smith, L., &
Freeman, K. C. 1998, AJ, 115, 2345
(AASTeX manuscript format, compressed PostScript, 279 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AJ,
Electronic Edition.)
The Nature of Boxy/Peanut Spiral Galaxies: Overview and New Results
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C. 1997, PASA, 14, 146
(Manuscript format, compressed PostScript, 488 Kb. Figure 2 is not fully
available electronically.)
(Access the paper directly with PASA,
Electronic Edition.)
A New Tully-Fisher Relation for the Fornax Cluster: Implication for
the Fornax Distance and Local Supercluster Velocity Field
Bureau, M., Mould, J. R., & Staveley-Smith, L. 1996, ApJ, 463,
(AASTeX manuscript format, compressed PostScript, 116 Kb. You might also want to
download this table separately
(9 Kb).)
Non-Refereed Publications
- The AGN Fuelling/Feedback Cycle in LERGs: A
Multi-phase Study of a Sample of Local Early-type Radio
Ruffa, I., Prandoni, I., Laing, R., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A.,
Parma, P., de Ruiter, H., & Paladino, R. 2018, in AGN13:
Beauty and the Beast: The 13th Italian meeting on Active
Galactic Nuclei, 76
(PDF, 813 kb.)
A Multiwavelength Study of the ISM and Star Formation in
Early-type Galaxies
Kokusho, T., Kaneda, H., Bureau, M., Suzuki, T., Murata,
K., Kondo, A., & Yamagishi, M. 2018, in The Cosmic Wheel and
the Legacy of the AKARI Archive: from Galaxies and Stars to Planets
and Life, eds. Ootsubo, T., Yamamura, I., Murata, K.,
Onaka, T. (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), 127
(PDF, 813 kb.)
The Evolution of the Tully-Fisher Relation Since z≈1 with
Tiley, A., Bureau, M., Stott, J., Swinbank, M., Bower,
R., Harrison, C., Bunker, A., Smail, I., Magdis, G., & Johnson,
H. 2016, AAS 227.42203
(PDF, 81 Kb.)
Pre-processing of Galaxies in the Filaments around the Virgo
Yoon, H., Chung, A., Sengupta, C., Wong, O. I., Bureau,
M., Rey, S.-C., van Gorkom, J. H. 2015, Publications of the
Korean Astronomical Society, 30, 495
(PDF, 298 kb. You may also want the complete poster paper
copy, 5500 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with PKAS,
Electronic Edition.)
Young Stars in Nearby Early-type Galaxies: The
GALEX-SAURON Perspective
Jeong, H., Yi, S. K., Bureau, M., & Davies, R. L. 2015,
Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 16, ed. S. Kaviraj (Cambridge
University Press: Cambridge), 125
(Access the paper directly with Highlights
of Astronomy, Electronic Edition.)
Spatially-resolved Molecular Gas in Early-type
Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K., Bureau, M., Young, L. M.,
Blitz, L., Crocker, A. F., Bayet, E., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A.,
Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans,
A. M. 2015, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 16, ed. S. Kaviraj
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 122
(PDF, 58 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Highlights
of Astronomy, Electronic Edition.)
Molecular Gas Properties in Early-type Galaxies
Bayet, E., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Young, L. M., &
Crocker, A. F. 2015, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 16,
ed. S. Kaviraj (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 118
(Access the paper directly with Highlights
of Astronomy, Electronic Edition.)
Line Ratio Diagnostics along the Disc of Two Edge-on
Lenticular Galaxies, NGC4710 and NGC5866
Topal, S., Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Young, L. M., &
Krips, M. 2015, AAS 225.12703
(PDF, 61 Kb.)
Detection of a High Brightness Temperature Radio Core in the
AGN-driven Molecular Outflow Candidate NGC1266
Nyland, K., Alatalo, K., Wrobel, J. M., Young, L. M., Morganti,
R., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Deustua, S., & Bureau,
M. 2014, in The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in
a Normal Galactic Nucleus, eds. L. Sjouwerman, J. Ott,
& C. Lang (CUP: Cambridge), 388
(PDF, 425 kb.)
Secular Evolution in Action: Central Values and Radial
Trends in Boxy Bulges
Williams, M. J, Bureau,
M., & Kuntschner, H. 2014, in Structure and Dynamics of
Disk Galaxies, eds. M. S. Seigar & P. Treuthardt (ASP: San
Francisco), 153
(PDF, 112 Kb.)
Detection of a High Brightness Temperature Radio Core in the
AGN-driven Molecular Outflow Candidate NGC1266
Nyland, K., Alatalo, K. A., Young, L. M., Wrobel, J. M.,
Morganti, R., Davis, T., de Zeeuw, P. T., Deustua, S. E., &
Bureau, M. 2014, AAS 223.42105
(PDF, 85 Kb.)
Secular Evolution in Action: Central Values and Radial
Trends in the Stellar Populations of Boxy Bulges
Williams, M. J, Bureau, M., & Kuntschner, H. 2013, AAS
(PDF, 48 Kb.)
Probing the Mass Assembly of Massive Nearby Galaxies with
Deep Imaging
Duc, P.-A., Cuillandre, J.-C., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Cote, P.,
Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E.,
Ferrarese, L., Ferriere, E., Gwyn, S., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M.,
Michel-Dansac, L., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi,
M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2013, in
The Intriguing Life of Massive Galaxies,
eds. D. Thomas, A. Pasquali, & I. Ferreras (Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge), 358
(PDF, 234 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Revealing the Origin of the Cold ISM in Massive Early-type
Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K., Bureau, M., Young, L. M.,
Blitz, L., Crocker, A. F., Bayet, E., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Duc, P.-A., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans, A. 2013,
in The Intriguing Life of Massive Galaxies,
eds. D. Thomas, A. Pasquali, & I. Ferreras (Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge), 324
(PDF, 144 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Stellar Discs in Massive Galaxies
Krajnovic, D., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N.,
Serra, P., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2013, in The
Intriguing Life of Massive Galaxies, eds. D. Thomas,
A. Pasquali, & I. Ferreras (Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge), 314
(PDF, 321 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Quenching of Star Formation in Molecular Outflow Host
Alatalo, K., Nyland, K. E., Graves, G., Deustua, S., Young,
L. M., Davis, T. A., Crocker, A. F., Bureau, M., Bayet,
E., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Cappellari, M., Davies,
R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans,
A. M. 2013, in Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in
Galaxies, eds. T. Wong, & J. Ott (Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge), 371
(PDF, 150 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
The Molecular Gas Properties in External Galaxies
Bayet, E., Viti, S., Bureau, M., Aladro, R., Williams,
D., Davis, T., Martin, S., Young, L., Crocker, A. 2013, in
Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in Galaxies,
eds. T. Wong, & J. Ott (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge),
(PDF, 260 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Revealing the Physical Properties of GMC Complexes in the
Spiral Arms of NGC 6946
Topal, S., Bayet, E., Bureau, M., Walsh, W., Davis,
T. A. 2013, in Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in
Galaxies, eds. T. Wong, & J. Ott (Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge), 163
(PDF, 145 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
AGN Feedback-driven Molecular Outflow in NGC1266
Alatalo, K., Nyland, K. E., Graves, G., Deustua, S., Wrobel, J.,
Young, L. M., Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Bayet, E., Blitz,
L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Martin, S., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab,
T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans, A. 2013, in
Feeding Compact Objects: Accretion on All Scales,
eds. C. M. Zhang, T. Belloni, M. Mendez, & S. N. Zhang
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 175
(PDF, 86 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Simulations of Binary Galaxy Mergers and the Link with Fast
Rotators, Slow Rotators, and Kinematically-distinct
Bois, M., Emsellem, E., Bournaud, F., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P. Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R.,
Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P.,
Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2013, in Galaxy Mergers in an
Evolving Universe, eds. W.-H. Sun, C. K. Xu,
N. Z. Scoville, & D. B. Sanders (ASP: San Francisco), 97
(PDF, 1700 Kb.)
The Star-formation Histories of Early-type Galaxies from
McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Crocker, A. F., Davies,
R. L., Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A., Emsellem, E.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y.,
Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N.,
Serra, P., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2012, in
The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies,
eds. R. J. Tuffs & C. C. Popescu (Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge), 244
(PDF, 361 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Young Stars in Nearby Early-type Galaxies: SED Fitting Based
on Ultraviolet (UV) and Optical Imaging
Jeong, H., Yi, S. K., Bureau, M., & Davies, R. L. 2012, in
The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies,
eds. R. J. Tuffs & C. C. Popescu (Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge), 240
(PDF, 300 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Dust-to-gas Ratios in Early-type Galaxies
Crocker, A. F., Young, L. M., Serra, P., Donovan Meyer, J.,
Bureau, M., ATLAS3D Team 2012, AAS 219.44414
(PDF, 55 Kb.)
Who Said Red and Dead? A Gas Menagerie in Local Early-type
Alatalo, K. A., Davis, T. A., Young, L. M., Heiles, C., Blitz,
L., Bureau, M., Nyland, K., Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E.,
Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M., & ATLAS3D Collaboration 2012,
AAS 219.10204
(PDF, 84 Kb.)
Probing Minor-merger-driven Star Formation in Early-type
Galaxies Using Spatially-resolved Spectro-photometric
Kaviraj, S., Crockett, M., Silk, J., O'Connell, R. W., Whitmore,
B., Windhorst, R., Cappellari, M., Bureau, M., & Davies,
R. L. 2012, AAS 219.10201
(PDF, 61 Kb.)
Axisymmetric Mass Models of S0 and Spiral Galaxies with Boxy
Bulges: Mass-to-light Ratios, Dark Matter and Bars
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M. 2011,
Mem.S.A.It., 18, 79
(PDF, 480 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, 1284 Kb.)
Investigating the Merger Origin of Early-type Galaxies
Using Ultra-deep Optical Images
Duc, P.-A., Cuillandre, J.-C., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Cote, P., Davies, R. L., Davis,
T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Ferrarese, L., Ferriere,
E., Gwyn, S., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., MacArthur, L., McDermid, R. M., Michel-Dansac,
L., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N.,
Serra, P., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2011, in Tracing the
Ancestry of Galaxies, eds. C. Carignan, K. C. Freeman, &
F. Combes (CUP: Cambridge), 238
(PDF, 185 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Local Early-type
Bureau, M., Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K., Crocker, A. F.,
Blitz, L., Young, L. M., Combes, F., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Duc, P.-A.,
Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P. Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans,
A. 2011, in Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies,
eds. C. Carignan, K. C. Freeman, & F. Combes (CUP: Cambridge),
(PDF, 845 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Stellar Populations and Star-formation Histories of
Early-type Galaxies from the ATLAS3D Survey
McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K. A., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud,
F., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis,
T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A.,
& Young, L. M. 2011, AAS 217.42204
(PDF, 44 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, ??? Kb.)
On the Origin and Kinematics of the Molecular Gas in
Early-type Galaxies
Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K. A, Bureau, M., Blitz, L.,
Young, L. M., Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D.,
McDermid, R. M., & ATLAS3D Team 2011, AAS 217.42202
(PDF, 36 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, ??? Kb.)
Molecular Gas, AGN Feedback and the Unusual Case of
Alatalo, K. A., Davis, T. A., Blitz, L., Young, L. M.,
Bureau, M., Lopez, L. A., Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E.,
Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M., & ATLAS3D Team 2011, AAS
(PDF, 44 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, ??? Kb.)
Anatomy of an Early-type Minor Merger: Modelling the Young
Stars and their Kinematics in NGC4150 Using the Wide Field
Camera 3 (WFC3) and SAURON
Kaviraj, S., Crockett, M., Cappellari, M., Young, L., Bureau,
M., Silk, J., O'Connell, R. W., & WFC3 SOC 2011, AAS
(PDF, 42 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, ??? Kb.)
The Fundamental Plane of Early-type Galaxies
Falcon-Barroso, J., van de Ven, G., Bacon, R., Bureau,
M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M.,
Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M., & van den Bosch, R. C. E. 2011, in
A Universe of Dwarf Galaxies, eds. M. Koleva,
P. Prugniel, & I. Vauglin (EdP Sciences: Les Ulis),
(PDF, 84 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, ??? Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with EAS
Publications Series, Electronic Edition.)
Early-type Galaxies in Isolation: An HI Perspective with
Serra, P., Morganti, R., Oosterloo, T. A., Alatalo, K., Blitz,
L., Bois, M., van den Bosch, R. C. E., Bournaud, F., Bureau,
M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., Duc, P.,
Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Naab, T., Sarzi,
M., Scott, N., van de Ven, G., Weijmans, A., Young, L. M., & de
Zeeuw, P. T. 2010, in Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring
Nature Versus Nurture, eds. L. Verdes-Montenegro, A. del
Olmo, & J. Sulentic (ASP: San Francisco), 49
(PDF, 368 Kb.)
Molecular Gas Properties of Early-type Galaxies
Crocker, A. F., Krips, M., Young, L. M., Bureau, M.,
Combes, F., and the ATLAS3D Team 2010, AAS 215.45809
(PDF, 37 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, 1800 Kb.)
The Unusual Case of S0 Galaxy NGC1266
Alatalo, K. A., Blitz, L., Young, L. M., Davis, T., Bureau,
M., and the ATLAS3D Team 2010, AAS 215.43522
(PDF, 38 Kb.)
The First UV Fundamental Planes and Evidence of Star
Formation in Early-type Galaxies
Jeong, H., Yi, S. K., Bureau, M., & Davies, R. L. 2010,
AAS 215.36305
(PDF, 44 Kb.)
Dark Matter and the Tully-Fisher Relations of Spiral and S0
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M. 2010, in
Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy
Formation, eds. V. P. Debattista & C. C. Popescu (AIP), 431
(PDF, 40 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, 725 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AIP
Conference Proceedings, Electronic Edition)
Formation of Slowly-rotating Elliptical Galaxies in Major
Mergers. A Resolution Study
Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Emsellem, E., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti,
R., Naab, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., van den Bosch,
R. C. E., van de Ven, G., Weijmans, A., & Young, L. M. 2010, in
Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy
Formation, eds. V. P. Debattista & C. C. Popescu (AIP),
(PDF, 144 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AIP
Conference Proceedings, Electronic Edition)
The ATLAS3D Project: A Paradigm Shift for Early-type
Emsellem, E., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M., Bournaud, F.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid, R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., Weijmans, A., &
Young, L. M. 2010, in Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side
of Galaxy Formation, eds. V. P. Debattista & C. C. Popescu
(AIP), 335
(PDF, 96 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AIP
Conference Proceedings, Electronic Edition)
Lenticular vs Spiral Galaxies: Dark Matter Content and the
Tully-Fisher Relation
Bureau, M., Williams, M. J., & Cappellari, M. 2010,
Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 15, eds. L. V. E. Koopmans &
T. Treu (Cambridge University Press; Cambridge), 82
(PDF, 60 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Scaling Relations in Early-type Galaxies from Integral-field
Stellar Kinematics
Cappellari, M., Scott, N., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Khochfar, S.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y., McDermid,
R. M., Morganti, R., Naab, T., Sarzi, M., Serra, P., van den
Bosch, R. C. E., van de Ven, G., Weijmans, A., & Young,
L. M. 2010, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 15,
eds. L. V. E. Koopmans & T. Treu (Cambridge University Press;
Cambridge), 81
(PDF, 58 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
An HI View of the On-going Assembly of Early-type Galaxies:
Present and Future Observations
Serra, P., Morganti, R., Oosterloo, T. A., Alatalo, K., Blitz,
L., Bois, M., van den Bosch, R. C. E., Bournaud, F., Bureau,
M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Davis, T. A., Duc, P.,
Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P., McDermid, R. M., Naab, T., Sarzi,
M., Scott, N., van de Ven, G., Weijmans, A., Young, L. M., & de
Zeeuw, P. T. 2009, in Panoramic Radio Astronomy: Wide-Field
1-2 GHz Research on Galaxy Evolution, eds. G. Heald &
P. Serra (), 56
(PDF, 2400 Kb.)
Stellar Populations of Early-type Galaxies in the ATLAS3D
Serra, P., McDermid, R. M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bois, M.,
Bournaud, F., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L.,
Davis, T. A., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J.,
Khochfar, S., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P.-Y.,
Morganti, R., Naab, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., van den Bosch, R. C. E.,
van de Ven, G., Weijmans, A., Young, L. M. 2009, in Probing Stellar
Populations out to the Distant Universe,
eds. L. A. Antonelli, E. Brocato, M. Limongi, N. Menci,
G. Raimondo, & A. Tornambe (AIP), 111
(PDF, 2600 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AIP
Conference Proceedings, Electronic Edition)
A Shared Tully-Fisher Relation for Spirals and S0
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M. 2009, in
Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights and Future
Challenges, eds. S. Jogee, I. Marinova, L. Hao, &
G. A. Blanc (ASP: San Francisco), 167
(PDF, 491 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, 149 Kb.)
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Elliptical/S0
Crocker, A. F., Bureau, M., Young, L. M., Combes,
F. 2009, AAS 213.31701
(PDF, 37 Kb.)
The Kinematics of Bulges in Spiral and Lenticular
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M. 2009, AAS 213.30704
(PDF, 35 Kb.)
Early-type Galaxy Formation History from
Jeong, H., Yi, S. K., Bureau, M., Krajnovic, D., &
Davies, R. L. 2008, in Formation and Evolution of Galaxy
Bulges, eds. M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, & B. Barbuy
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 193
(PDF, 245 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic
Disk Growth in Bulge-dominated Galaxies: Molecular Gas
and Morphological Evolution
Young, L., Bureau, M., Crocker, A., & Combes, F. 2008, in
Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, eds. M.
Bureau, E. Athanassoula, & B. Barbuy (Cambridge University
Press: Cambridge), 173
(PDF, 227 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic
Vertical Surface Brightness Profiles of Boxy
Aronica, G., Bureau, M., Athanassoula, E., & Dettmar,
R.-J. 2008, in Formation and Evolution of Galaxy
Bulges, eds. M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, & B. Barbuy
(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge), 129
(PDF, 293 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic
Fast and Slow Rotators: The Build-up of the Red
Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Krajnovic, D., van de Ven, G.,
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier,
R. F., Sarzi, M., van den Bosch, R. C. E. 2008, in
Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, eds. M. Bureau, E.
Athanassoula, & B. Barbuy (Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge), 11
(PDF, 145 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic
Star Formation in Nearby Early-type Galaxies: Mapping in
UV, Optical, and CO
Bureau, M., Bacon, R., Cappellari, M., Combes, F.,
Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Jeong, H., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M.,
Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M., Shapiro, K. L., van de Ven, G., Yi,
S. K., & Young, L. M. 2008, in Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby
Galaxies, eds. K. Wada, & F. Combes (Springer), 312
(Compressed PostScript, 59 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, 685 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Electronic Edition.)
Stellar Populations of Decoupled Cores in E/S0 Galaxies with
McDermid, R. M., Emsellem, E., Shapiro, K. L., Bacon, R.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Peletier, R. F., & Sarzi, M. 2007, in Stellar Populations as
Building Blocks of Galaxies, eds. A. Vazdekis, &
R. F. Peletier (Cambridge University Press), 111
(PDF, 533 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic
Star Formation in Nearby Early-type Galaxies: Mapping in
UV, Optical, and CO
Bureau, M., Bacon, R., Cappellari, M., Combes, F.,
Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Jeong, H., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M.,
Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M., Shapiro, K. L., van de Ven, G., Yi,
S. K., & Young, L. M. 2007, in Galaxy Evolution across the
Hubble Time, eds. F. Combes, & J. Palous (Cambridge
University Press), 304
(Compressed PostScript, 76 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, 685 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Stellar Populations of Kinematically-decoupled Cores in E/S0
McDermid, R. M., Emsellem, E., Shapiro, K. L., Bacon, R.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Peletier, R. F., & Sarzi, M. 2007, in Galaxy Evolution
across the Hubble Time, eds. F. Combes, & J. Palous
(Cambridge University Press), 122
(PDF, 20 Kb. You may want the complete poster paper
copy, 828 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Proceedings
of the International Astronomical Union, Electronic Edition.)
Young Kinematically-decoupled Components in Early-type
McDermid, R. M., Emsellem, E., Shapiro, K. L., Bacon, R.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Peletier, R. F., & Sarzi, M. 2007, in Science Perspectives
for 3D Spectroscopy, eds. M. Kissler-Patig, M. M. Roth, &
J. R. Walsh, 253
(Compressed PostScript, 881 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Electronic Edition.)
The Stellar Populations of E and S0s as Seen with SAURON
Kuntschner, H., Emsellem, E., Bacon, R., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Krajnovic, D., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F., & Sarzi, M.
2007, in Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy,
eds. M. Kissler-Patig, M. M. Roth, & J. R. Walsh, 123
(Compressed PostScript, 198 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Electronic Edition.)
SAURON Observations of Sa Bulges: The Formation of a
Kinematically-decoupled Core in NGC5953
Falcon-Barroso, J., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari,
M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Fathi, K.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F.,
& Sarzi, M. 2007, in Science Perspectives for 3D
Spectroscopy, eds. M. Kissler-Patig, M. M. Roth, &
J. R. Walsh, 111
(PDF, 478 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Electronic Edition.)
Connecting Stars and Ionised Gas with Integral-field
McDermid, R. M., Emsellem, E., Shapiro, K. L., Bacon, R.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M., & van de Ven, G. 2007, in The
Fate of the Gas in Galaxies, eds. R. Morganti, & J. van
Gorkom, New Astron. Rev., 51, 13
(PDF, 510 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with New
Astronomy Reviews, Electronic Edition.)
Three-dimensional Bar Structure and Disc/Bulge Secular
Bureau, M., Aronica, G., & Athanassoula, E. 2007, in
Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk
Galaxies, ed. R. S. de Jong (Springer: Dordrecht), 181
(Compressed PostScript, 398 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Electronic Edition.)
A SAURON Study of Stars and Gas in Sa Bulges
Falcon-Barroso, J., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari,
M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Fathi, K.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F.,
& Sarzi, M. 2007, in Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of
Disk Galaxies, ed. R. S. de Jong (Springer: Dordrecht), 201
(Compressed PostScript, 1844 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with Astrophysics
and Space Science Proceedings, Electronic Edition.)
Star Formation and Figure Rotation in the Early-type
Galaxy NGC2974
Jeong, H., Bureau, M., Yi, S. K., Krajnovic, D., &
Davies, R. L. 2006, AAS, 209.0409
(Compressed PostScript, abstract, 42 Kb. You will certainly want
the complete poster paper
copy, 699 Kb.)
Stellar Kinematics and Populations of Early-type Galaxies
with the SAURON and OASIS Integral-field Spectrographs
McDermid, R. M., Bacon, R., Kuntschner, H., Emsellem, E.,
Shapiro, K., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M., &
de Zeeuw, P. T. 2006, in Adaptive Optics-Assisted
Integral-Field Spectroscopy, eds. R. G. M. Rutten,
C. R. Benn, & J. Mendez, New Astr. Rev., 49, 521
(Compressed PostScript, 2403 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with New
Astronomy Reviews, Electronic Edition.)
Morphology and Kinematics of the Ionised Gas in Early-type
Falcon-Barroso, J., Sarzi, M., Bacon, R., Bureau, M.,
Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E., Fathi, K.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F.,
& de Zeeuw, P. T. 2006, in Adaptive Optics-Assisted
Integral-Field Spectroscopy, eds. R. G. M. Rutten,
C. R. Benn, & J. Mendez, New Astr. Rev., 49, 515
(Compressed PostScript, 298 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with New
Astronomy Reviews, Electronic Edition.)
Revisiting the (V/σ)-ε Anisotropy Diagram of
Early-type Galaxies Using Integral-field Kinematics
Cappellari, M., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L.,
de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic,
D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M.,
van den Bosch, R. C. E., & van de Ven, G. 2005, in Nearly
Normal Galaxies in a LCDM Universe, eds. ??? (Santa Cruz: UC
Santa Cruz), 5
(Compressed PostScript, 156 Kb.)
Dark Matter in the Central Regions of Early-type
Cappellari, M., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Damen, M. C.,
Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier,
R. F., Sarzi, M., van den Bosch, R. C. E., & van de Ven, G. 2005,
in Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures,
eds. G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, & B. Fort (EDP Sciences),
(Compressed PostScript, 38 Kb.)
(Access the paper electronically with EAS
Publications Series, Electronic Edition.)
Unveiling the Boxy Bulge and Bar of the Andromeda Spiral
Beaton, R. L., Athanassoula, E., Majewski, S. R., Guhathakurta,
P., Skrutskie, M. F., Patterson, R. J., & Bureau, M. 2005, AAS,
(Compressed PostScript, abstract, 17 Kb.)
Peanut-shaped Structures in Edge-on Galaxies
Aronica, G., Bureau, M., Athanassoula, E., & Dettmar,
R.-J. 2004, in Baryons in Dark Matter Halos,
eds. R.-J. Dettmar, U. Klein, & P. Salucci (SISSA: Trieste),
(Compressed PostScript, 962 Kb.)
Bar-driven Evolution and 2D Spectroscopy of Bulges
Bureau, M., Athanassoula, E., Chung, A., & Aronica, G. 2004, in
Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning
Fork Strikes a New Note, eds. D. L. Block, I. Puerari,
K. C. Freeman, R. Groess, & E. K. Block (Springer: Dordrecht),
(Compressed PostScript, 549 Kb.)
Under the Microscope: Galaxy Centres with OASIS
McDermid, R., Bacon, R., Adam, G., Benn, C., Emsellem, E.,
Cappellari, M., Kuntschner, H., Bureau, M., Copin, Y.,
Davies, R. L., Falcon-Barroso, J., Ferruit, P., Krajnovic, D.,
Peletier, R. F., Shapiro, K., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2004, ING
Newsletter, 8, 3
(Compressed PDF, 514 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ING
Newsletter, Electronic Edition.)
The Chandra Fornax Survey
Scharf, C. A., Zurek, D., & Bureau, M. 2004, HEAD, 8.0102
(Compressed PostScript, abstract, 12 Kb.)
A Search for Short Time-scale Optical Variability in the
GRB030329 Afterglow
Mirabal, N., Halpern, J. P., Bureau, M., & Fathi,
K. 2004, in Gamma-ray Bursts: 30 Years of Discovery,
eds. E. E. Fenimore, & M. Galassi (AIP: New York), 337
(Compressed PostScript, 31 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with AIP
Conference Proceedings, Electronic Edition.)
HI and Hot Gas in the Outskirts of the M81 Group
Bureau, M., Walter, F., van Gorkom, J., & Carignan,
C. 2004, in Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter,
eds. P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, & E. Brinks (ASP: San Francisco), 452
(Compressed PostScript, 171 Kb.)
Rotating Halos and Heavy Disks: The Case of NGC2915
Masset, F. S., & Bureau, M. 2004, in Recycling
Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter, eds. P.-A. Duc,
J. Braine, & E. Brinks (ASP: San Francisco), 172
(Compressed PostScript, 77 Kb.)
Rotating Halos and Heavy Disks: The Case of NGC2915
Masset, F. S., & Bureau, M. 2004, in Dark Matter in
Galaxies, eds. S. D. Ryder, D. J. Pisano, M. A. Walker, & K. C.
Freeman (ASP: San Francisco), 293
(Compressed PostScript, 271 Kb.)
A SAURON Look at Galaxy Bulges
Falcon-Barroso, J., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari,
M., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R., Peletier, R. F., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2004,
Astron. Nachr., 325, 92
(Compressed PostScript, 471 Kb.)
OASIS High-resolution Observations of the SAURON Ellipticals
and Lenticulars
McDermid, R., Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Kuntschner, H.,
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Copin, Y., Davies, R. L.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., Ferruit, P., Krajnovic, D., Peletier, R. F.,
Shapiro, K., Wernli, F., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2004, Astron. Nachr.,
325, 100
(Compressed PostScript, 195 Kb.)
Dynamical Modeling of SAURON Galaxies
Cappellari, M., van den Bosch, R. C. E., Verolme, E. K., Bacon,
R., Bureau, M., Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R., Miller, B. W.,
Peletier, R. F., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2003, in Coevolution of
Black Holes and Galaxies, ed. L. C. Ho (Pasadena: Carnegie
(Compressed PostScript, 481 Kb.)
(Access the proceedings directly with Electronic
A SAURON View of Galaxies
Verolme, E. K., Cappellari, M., van de Ven, G., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Copin, Y., Davies, R. L.,
Emsellem, E., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R., Miller, B. W., &
Peletier, R. F. 2003, in Galaxies and Chaos, eds. G.
Contopoulos, & N. Voglis (Springer: New York), 279
(Compressed PostScript, 597 Kb.)
Comparing Peanut-shaped Bulges to N-body Simulations and
Orbital Calculations
Aronica, G., Athanassoula, E., Bureau, M., Bosma, A., Dettmar,
R.-J., Vergani, D., & Pohlen, M. 2003, in The Evolution of
Galaxies III: From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent
Models, Ap&SS, 284, 753
(Compressed PostScript, 171 Kb.)
(Access the proceedings directly with Ap&SS,
Electronic Edition.)
SAURON: Observations of E/S0/Sa Galaxies
Kuntschner, H., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Copin, Y.,
Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E., Miller, B. W., McDermid, R., Peletier, R. F.,
Verolme, E. K., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2002, in Galaxy Evolution: Theory and
Observations, eds. V. Avila-Reese, C. Firmani, C. S. Frenk, & C. Allen,
RevMexAA Conf. Series, 17, 199
(Compressed PostScript, 125 Kb.)
On the Spiral Structure of NGC2915 and Dark Matter
Bureau, M., & Masset, F. S. 2002, AAS, 201.1321
(Compressed PostScript, abstract, 15 Kb. You will certainly want the
complete poster paper
copy, 2416 Kb.)
The Stellar Kinematics of Spiral Galaxies with a
Boxy/Peanut-shaped Bulge
Chung, A., & Bureau, M. 2002, AAS, 201.1312
(Compressed PostScript, abstract, 18 Kb. You will certainly want the
complete poster paper
copy, 328 Kb.)
Structure and Dynamics of Bulges
Bureau, M. 2002, DDA, 33.0301
SAURON Observations of Disks in Spheroids
Bureau, M., Bacon, R., Emsellem, E., Cappellari, M., Verolme,
E. K., de Zeeuw, P. T., Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., McDermid, R.,
Kuntschner, H., Miller, B. W., & Peletier, R. F. 2002, in Galaxies:
The Third Dimension, eds. M. Rosado, L. Binette, & L. Arias (ASP: San
Francisco), 208
(Compressed PostScript, 778 Kb.)
Two-dimensional Kinematics and Stellar Populations of
Early-type Galaxies: First Results from the SAURON Survey
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Copin, Y., Davies, R.,
Emsellem, E., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R., Miller, B.,
Peletier, R., Verolme, E., & de Zeeuw, T. 2002, in Galaxies:
The Third Dimension, eds. M. Rosado, L. Binette, & L. Arias
(ASP: San Francisco), 179
(Compressed PostScript, 3059 Kb.)
Probing the Stellar Populations of Early-type Galaxies: The SAURON
Emsellem, E., Davies, R., McDermid, R., Kuntschner, H., Peletier, R.,
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Copin, Y., Miller, B.,
Verolme, E., & de Zeeuw, T. 2002, in Galaxies: The Third
Dimension, eds. M. Rosado, L. Binette, & L. Arias (ASP: San
Francisco), 189
(Compressed PostScript, 733 Kb.)
Structure, Kinematics, and Dynamics of Bulges
Bureau, M. 2002, in Disk of Galaxies: Kinematics, Dynamics and
Perturbations, eds. E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, & R. Mujica
(ASP: San Francisco), 71
(Compressed PostScript, 401 Kb.)
On the Spiral Structure of NGC2915
Masset, F. S., & Bureau, M. 2002, in Disk of Galaxies:
Kinematics, Dynamics and Perturbations,
eds. E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, & R. Mujica (ASP: San Francisco), 49
(Compressed PostScript, 137 Kb.)
Ram Pressure and Anomalous Shell Formation in HoII
Bureau, M., & Carignan, C. 2002, in Seeing Through the Dust:
The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies,
eds. A. R. Taylor, T. L. Landecker, & A. G. Willis (ASP: San
Francisco), 378
(Compressed PostScript, 229 Kb.)
SAURON: An Innovative Look at Early-type
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Copin, Y., Verolme, E. K., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Bacon, R., Emsellem, E., Davies, R. L.,
Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R., Miller, B. W., & Peletier,
R. F. 2002, in The Dynamics, Structure & History of
Galaxies, eds. G. S. Da Costa & H. Jerjen (San Francisco:
ASP), 53
(Compressed PostScript, 699 Kb.)
Ionized Gas in Spheroids: The SAURON Survey
Krajnovic, D., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Carollo, C. M.,
Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R., Miller, B. W., Monnet, G., Peletier, R. F.,
Verolme, E. K., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2001, in The Central Kpc
of Starbursts and AGN: The La Palma Connection,
eds. J. H. Knapen, J. E. Beckman, I. Shlosman, & T. J. Mahoney
(San Francisco: ASP), 699
(Compressed PostScript, 285
Kb. You might prefer the more detailed poster
paper copy, 516 Kb.)
Multi-wavelength Observations of NGC1365
Park, O.-K., Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C. 2001, AAS,
(Compressed PostScript, abstract, 34 Kb.)
The Large-scale Structure and Environment of HoII
Bureau, M., & Carignan, C. 2001, in Dwarf Galaxies and their
Environment, eds. K. S. de Boer, R.-J. Dettmar, & U. Klein
(Shaker-Verlag), 141
(Compressed PostScript, 227 Kb.)
The SAURON Survey of Early-type Galaxies in the Nearby
Peletier, R. F., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Cappellari, M.,
Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J.,
Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R., Miller, B. W.,
Verolme, E. K., Wernli, F., & de Zeeuw, P. T. 2001, ING
Newsletter, 5, 5
(Compressed PostScript, 1485 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with ING
Newsletter, Electronic Edition.)
Kinemetry: Quantifying Kinematic Maps
Copin, Y., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E.,
Kuntschner, H., Miller, B., Peletier, R., Verolme, E. K., de Zeeuw,
P. T. 2001, in SF2A 2001: Semaine de l'Astrophysique
Française, eds. Société Française
d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (Paris: EdP-Sciences), 289
(Compressed PostScript, 179 Kb.)
The SAURON Project
Copin, Y., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E.,
Kuntschner, H., Miller, B., Peletier, R., Verolme, E. K., de Zeeuw,
P. T. 2001, in SF2A 2001: Semaine de l'Astrophysique
Française, eds. Société Française
d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique (Paris: EdP-Sciences), 49
SAURON Observations of Disks in Early-type
Bureau, M., Copin, Y., Verolme, E. K., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Bacon, R., Emsellem, E., Davies, R. L., Kuntschner, H., Carollo,
C. M., Miller, B. W., Monnet, G., & Peletier, R. F. 2001, in
Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies, eds. J. G. Funes S. J.,
& E. M. Corsini (San Francisco: ASP), 281
(Compressed PostScript, 254 Kb.)
SAURON: A Panoramic View of the Stellar Populations
and Dynamics in Nearby Galaxies
Kuntschner, H., Davies, R. L., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F.,
Bureau, M., Copin, Y., Verolme, E. K., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Bacon, R., Emsellem, E., Carollo, C. M., Miller, B. W., Monnet,
G. 2001, AGM, 18, MS 05 03
SAURON: Integral-field Spectroscopy of Galaxies
Peletier, R. F., Davies, R. L., Allington-Smith, J. R., Bacon, R.,
Copin, Y., Emsellem, E., de Zeeuw, P. T., Miller, B., Bureau, M.,
Verolme, E., Carollo, C. M., & Monnet, G. 2001, in Instrumentation
at the ING: The Next Decade, eds. N. A. Walton, &
S. J. Smartt, New Astr. Rev., 45, 83
(Compressed PostScript, 314 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with
New Astronomy Reviews, Electronic Edition.)
The One Eye That Sees All: Integral-field Spectroscopy with
de Zeeuw, P. T., Allingt on-Smith, J. R., Bacon, R., Bure au,
M., Carollo, C. M., Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E.,
Kuntschner, H., Miller, B. W., Monnet, G., Peletier, R. F., &
Verolme, E. 2000, ING Newsletter, 2, 11
(Compressed PostScript, 1988 Kb.)
(Access the paper directly with
ING Newsletter, Electronic Edition.)
SAURON: Integral-field Spectroscopy of Galaxies
Miller, B. W., Bureau, M., Verolme, E., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Bacon, R., Copin, Y., Emsellem, E., Davies, R. L., Peletier,
R. F., Allington-Smith, J. R., Carollo, C. M., & Monnet,
G. 2000, in Imaging the Universe in Three Dimensions,
eds. W. van Breugel, & J. Bland-Hawthorn (San Francisco: ASP),
(Compressed PostScript, 63 Kb.)
The Vertical Structure of Bars
Bureau, M., Freeman, K. C., & Athanassoula, E. 2000, in
Dynamics of Galaxies: From the Early Universe to the Present,
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon, & V. Charmandaris (San Francisco: ASP), 43
(Compressed PostScript, 110 Kb. You might prefer the more detailed
poster paper copy, 423
SAURON: First Results from Wide-field
3D-Spectroscopy of Galaxies
Copin, Y., Bacon, R., Emsellem, E., Bureau, M., Miller,
B. W., Verolme, E., de Zeeuw, P. T., Davies, R., Peletier,
R. F., Carollo, M. C., Monnet, G. 2000, in Dynamics of
Galaxies: From the Early Universe to the Present,
eds. F. Combes, G. A. Mamon, & V. Charmandaris (San Francisco:
ASP), 249
Bars and Boxy/Peanut-shaped Bulges: An Observational Point
of View
Bureau, M., Freeman, K. C., & Athanassoula, E. 1999, in When
and How do Bulges Form and Evolve?, eds. C. M. Carollo,
H. C. Ferguson, & R. F. G. Wyse (Cambridge: CUP), 115
(Compressed PostScript, 185 Kb.)
Formation of Boxy/Peanut-shaped Bulges in Spiral Galaxies: Accretion
or Bar-buckling Instability?
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C. 1997, in IAU Symp.186: Galaxy
Interactions at Low and High Redshift, eds. D. Sanders, &
J. Barnes (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers), 52
(Compressed PostScript, 19 Kb. You will certainly want the
complete poster paper
copy, 1318 Kb.)
Large-scale Structure and Kinematics of the Dwarf
Irregular Galaxy HoII
Bureau, M., & Carignan, C. 1997, in IAU Joint Disc.2: Dwarf
Galaxies: Probes for Galaxy Formation and Evolution, 36
(You will certainly want the complete poster paper copy, 878 Kb.)
Detecting Triaxiality and Figure Rotation in Gaseous
Elliptical Galaxies
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C. 1997, in The Nature of
Elliptical Galaxies, eds. M. Arnaboldi, G. S. Da Costa, & P. Saha
(San Francisco: ASP), 93
(Compressed PostScript, 91 Kb. You might prefer the more detailed poster paper copy, 106
New Clues on the Structure and Dynamics of Boxy/Peanut
Bulges in Disk Galaxies
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C. 1996, AAS, 189.6806
(Compressed PostScript, abstract, 8 Kb. You will certainly want the
complete poster paper
copy, 250 Kb.)
The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS)
Bower, R., & Bureau, M. 2014, The Messenger, 157, 38
(PDF, 3200 kb.)
(Access the paper directkly with ESO
Messenger on Scribd.)
- Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges
Proceedings of IAU Symposium 245, eds. M. Bureau,
E. Athanassoula, & B. Barbuy (Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge), 2008
GRB 030329: Optical Decay
Halpern, J. P., Mirabal, N., Bureau, M., & Fathi, K. 2003,
GRB Circular Network, 2021, 1
(ASCII, 2 kb)
(Access the circular directly with the GRB
Circular Network.)
Bars in Edge-on Spiral Galaxies
Bureau, M. 1998, Ph.D. Thesis, The Australian National University
(Compressed PostScript, 7543 Kb.)
You may also want to download each chapter separately:
Visualizing Rotation Curves
English, J., Blanchette, K., Fiege, J., Ferrand, G., Bureau,
M., Verbeke, R.
Poster presented at The Physics of Galaxy Scaling Relations and
the Nature of Dark Matter conference, Kingston, Canada,
15-20 July 2018.
(PDF, 2800 Kb.)
The Effect of Galaxy Interactions on Molecular Gas
Pan, H.-A., Lin, L., Hsieh, B.-C., Xiao, T., Gao, Y., Ellison,
S. L., Scudder, J. M., Barrera-Ballesteros, J., Yuan, F.,
Saintonge, A., Wilson, C. D., Hwang, H. S., Sargent, M. T.,
Tosaki, T., Bureau, M., Chung, A., Davis, T. A.,
Williams, T., & JINGLE team 2018
Poster presented at The Laws of Star Formation: From the
Cosmic Dawn to the Present Universe conference, Cambridge,
UK, 2-6 July 2018.
(PDF, 5600 Kb.)
A Systematic Study of Dust and Star Formation in Early-type
Galaxies with AKARI
Kokusho, T., Kaneda, H., Bureau, M., Suzuki, T.,
Yamagishi, M., & Onaka, T.
Poster presented at the Cosmic Dust: Origin, Applications &
Implications conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-15 June 2018.
(PDF, 2200 Kb.)
The AGN Fueling/feedback Cycle: A Multi-phase Study of a
Sample of Local Radio Galaxies
Ruffa, I., Prandoni, I., Paladino, R., Laing, R., Bureau,
M., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H., Warren, J.
Poster presented at the European Week of Astronomy and
Astrophysics (EWASS) 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 26-30
June 2017.
(PDF, 2500 Kb.)
Fuelling Low-powered Radio Galaxies
Warren, J., Bureau, M., Santoro, F., Hasemann, B.,
Prandoni, I., Laing, R., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H., & Mignano,
Poster presented at the United Kingdom National Astronomy
Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 27-30 June 2016.
(PDF, 3700 Kb.)
Pre-processing of Galaxies in the Filaments around the Virgo
Yoon, H., Chung, A., Sengupta, C., Wong, O. I., Bureau,
M., Rey, S.-C., & van Gorkom, J. H.
Poster presented at the 12th Asia Pacific Regional IAU
Meeting, Daejeon, South Korea, 19-22 August 2014.
(PDF, 5500 Kb.)
The CO Tully-Fisher Relation of Early-type
Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Young,
L. M., Bacon, R., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Davies, R., de Zeeuw,
T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Kuntschner, H., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Scott, N., Oosterloo, T., Khochfar, S., Sarzi, M., Serra, P.,
van den Bosch, R., van de Ven, G., Verdoes-Kleijn, G., & Weijmans,
Poster presented at the Molecules in Galaxies
conference, Oxford, UK, 26-30 July 2010.
(PDF, 377 Kb.)
Molecular Gas in Early-type Galaxies: Fuel for Residual Star
Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bureau, M., Young,
L. M., Cappellari, M., Emsellem, E., Krajnovic, D., McDermid,
R. M., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T.,
Khochfar, S., Kuntschner, H., Lablanche, P., Morganti, R., Naab,
T., Oosterloo, T., Sarzi, M., Scott, N., Serra, P., & Weijmans,
Poster presented at the From Stars to Galaxies,
Connecting our Understanding of Star and Galaxy Formation
conference, Gainesville, Florida, USA, 7-10 April 2010.
(PDF, 6200 Kb.)
The CO Tully-Fisher Relation of Early-type
Davis, T. A., Bureau, M., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Young,
L. M., Bacon, R., Bois, M., Bournaud, F., Davies, R., de Zeeuw,
T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Kuntschner, H., Morganti, R., Naab, T.,
Scott, N., Oosterloo, T., Khochfar, S., Sarzi, M., Serra, P.,
van den Bosch, R., van de Ven, G., Verdoes-Kleijn, G., & Weijmans,
Poster presented at the Astrochemistry at High Resolution
workshop, Manchester, UK, 7-8 January 2010.
(PDF, 377 Kb.)
Molecular Gas Properties of Early-type Galaxies
Crocker, A. F., Krips, M., Young, L. M., Bureau, M.,
Combes, F., and the ATLAS3D Team
Poster presented at the 215th Meeting of the AAS, Washington,
USA, 3-7 January 2010.
(PDF, 1800 Kb.)
Dark Matter and the Tully-Fisher Relations of Spiral and S0
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M.
Poster presented at the Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden
Side of Galaxy Formation conference, Malta, 19-23 October 2009.
(PDF, 725 Kb.)
Kinematics of Molecular Gas in Early-type
Davis, T. A., Alatalo, K., Blitz, L., Bureau, M., &
Young, L. M.
Poster presented at the Joint European National Astronomy
Meeting conference, Hatfield, UK, 20-23 April 2009.
(PDF, 624 Kb.)
Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Elliptical/S0
Crocker, A, Bureau, M., Young, L., & Combes, F.
Poster presented at the Joint European National Astronomy
Meeting conference, Hatfield, UK, 20-23 April 2009.
(PDF, ??? Kb.)
Kinematic Constraints on the Stellar and Dark Matter Content
of Spiral and S0 Galaxies
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M.
Poster presented at the Joint European National Astronomy
Meeting conference, Hatfield, UK, 20-23 April 2009.
(PDF, 1500 Kb.)
A Shared Tully-Fisher Relation for Spiral and S0
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M.
Poster presented at the Galaxy Evolution: Emerging Insights
and Future Challenges conference, Austin, Texas, USA, 11-14
November 2008.
(PDF, 149 Kb.)
Axisymmetric Mass Models of S0 and Spiral Galaxies with
Boxy Bulges: Mass-to-light Ratios, Dark Matter and
Williams, M. J., Bureau, M., & Cappellari, M.
Poster presented at the Tumbling, Twisting, and Winding
Galaxies: Pattern Speeds along the Hubble Sequence
workshop, Padova, Italy, 25-29 August 2008.
(PDF, 1284 Kb.)
Star Formation and Figure Rotation in the Early-type
Galaxy NGC2974
Jeong, H., Bureau, M., Yi, S. K., Krajnovic, D., &
Davies, R. L.
Poster presented at the 209th Meeting of the AAS, Seattle, USA,
5-10 January 2007.
(PDF, 699 Kb.)
Star Formation in Nearby Early-type Galaxies: Mapping in
UV, Optical, and CO
Bureau, M., Bacon, R., Cappellari, M., Combes, F.,
Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., Jeong, H., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R. M., Miller, B. W., Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M.,
Shapiro, K. L., Yi, S. K., & Young, L. M.
Poster presented at the IAU Symposium 235, Galaxy Evolution
across the Hubble Time, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-17
August 2006.
(Compressed PostScript, 685 Kb.)
Stellar Populations of Kinematically Decoupled Cores in E/S0
McDermid, R. M., Emsellem, E., Shapiro, K. L., Bacon, R.,
Bureau, M., Cappellari, M., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw,
P. T., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
Peletier, R. F., & Sarzi, M.
Poster presented at the IAU Symposium 235, Galaxy Evolution
across the Hubble Time, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-17
August 2006.
(Compressed PostScript, 828 Kb.)
Star Formation in Nearby Early-type Galaxies: Mapping in
UV, Optical, and CO
Bureau, M., Bacon, R., Cappellari, M., Combes, F.,
Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., de Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E.,
Falcon-Barroso, J., Jeong, H., Krajnovic, D., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R. M., Miller, B. W., Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M.,
Shapiro, K. L., Yi, S. K., & Young, L. M.
Poster presented at the Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby
Galaxies conference, Ishigaki Island, Japan, 26-30 June
(Compressed PostScript, 685 Kb.)
Molecular and Stellar Disks in S0 Galaxies
Young, L., & Bureau, M.
Poster presented at the Nearly Normal Galaxies in a
LambdaCDM Universe conference, Santa Cruz, USA, 8-12 August
(Compressed PostScript, 769 Kb.)
Revisiting the V/σ Diagram of Early-type Galaxies with
Cappellari, M., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Davies, R. L., de
Zeeuw, P. T., Emsellem, E., Falcon-Barroso, J., Krajnovic, D.,
Kuntschner, H., McDermid, R. M., Peletier, R. F., Sarzi, M., van
den Bosch, R. C. M., & van de Ven G.
Poster presented at the Nearly Normal Galaxies in a
LambdaCDM Universe conference, Santa Cruz, USA, 8-12 August
(Compressed PostScript, 1033 Kb.)
The Chandra Fornax Survey
Scharf, C., Zurek, D., & Bureau, M.
Poster presented at the Four Years of Chandra Observations: A
Tribute to Riccardo Giacconi symposium, Huntsville, USA,
16-18 September 2003.
(Compressed PostScript, 3661 Kb.)
Dark Matter and the Spiral Structure of NGC2915
Masset, F. S., & Bureau, M.
Poster presented at the IAU Symp. 217, Recycling
Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter, Sydney, Australia,
14-17 July 2003.
(Compressed PostScript, 747 Kb.)
On the Spiral Structure of NGC2915 and Dark Matter
Bureau, M., & Masset, F. S.
Poster presented at the 201st Meeting of the AAS, Seattle, USA, 5-9
January 2003.
(Compressed PostScript, 2416 Kb.)
The Stellar Kinematics of Spiral Galaxies with a
Boxy/Peanut-shaped Bulge
Chung, A., & Bureau, M.
Poster presented at the 201st Meeting of the AAS, Seattle, USA, 5-9
January 2003.
(Compressed PostScript, 328 Kb.)
Ionized Gas in Spheroids: The SAURON Survey
Krajnovic, D., Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Carollo, C. M.,
Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E., Kuntschner, H.,
McDermid, R., Miller, B. W., Monnet, G., Peletier, R. F.,
Verolme, E. K., & de Zeeuw, P. T.
Poster presented at the
The Central kpc of Starbursts and AGN conference, La
Palma, Spain, 7-1 May 2001.
(Compressed PostScript, 516 Kb.)
SAURON Observations of E/S0/Sa Galaxies
Bacon, R., Bureau, M., Carollo, C. M., Copin, Y.,
Davies, R. L., Emsellem, E., Kuntschner, H., Miller, B. W., Monnet, G.,
Peletier, R. F., Verolme, E., de Zeeuw, P. T.
Poster presented at the Galactic Disks 1999 Workshop, Heidelberg,
Germany, 4-6 October 1999.
(Compressed color PostScript, 1048 Kb.)
The Vertical Structure of Bars
Bureau, M., Freeman, K. C., & Athanassoula, E.
Poster presented at the 15th IAP Meeting: Galaxy Dynamics: From the
Early Universe to the Present, Paris, France, 9-13 July 1999.
(Compressed PostScript, 423 Kb.)
Formation of Boxy/Peanut-shaped Bulges in Spiral Galaxies: Accretion
or Bar-buckling Instability?
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C.
Poster presented at the IAU Symposium #186: Galaxy Interactions at Low
and High Redshift, Kyoto, Japan, 26-30 August 1997.
(Compressed PostScript, 1318 Kb.)
Large-scale Structure and Kinematics of the Dwarf Irregular
Galaxy HoII
Bureau, M., & Carignan, C.
Poster presented at the IAU Joint Discussion #2: Dwarf Galaxies: Probes
for Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Kyoto, Japan, 21 August 1997.
(Compressed PostScript, 878 Kb.)
New Clues on the Structure and Dynamics of Boxy/Peanut
Bulges in Disk Galaxies
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C.
Poster presented at the 189th Meeting of the AAS, Toronto, Canada, 12-16
January 1997.
(Compressed PostScript, 250 Kb.)
Detecting Triaxiality and Figure Rotation in Gaseous
Elliptical Galaxies
Bureau, M., & Freeman, K. C.
Poster presented at the 2nd Stromlo Symposium: The Nature of Elliptical
Galaxies, Canberra, Australia, 26-30 August 1996.
(Compressed PostScript, 106 Kb.)
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